Art Preservation Agent

There has seemingly always have been a problem with groups of protesters and agitators making statements by destroying works of art, statues of historical figures and monuments from antiquity.   To this end, various governments of Europe starting in the late 2030s after the EuroWars initiated a program to counter any vandals and to infiltrate groups before they would initate their actions.   Agents are recruited from all walks of life. Gender and species notwithstanding. An agent could be a female elven university student, an ork taxi driver or a dwarf barista. The one thing they have in common is a level of training so that they can defend themselves and a license to use lethal force in the enforcement of their duties.   * That's right boys and girls, they will put a round in the back of your head. Mona Lisa is more important than you are.    Captain Scarlet 13/7/2086   It is believed, but unconfirmed, that the agents receive primary training in Geneva, secondary training in Brussels followed by specific training within the country they are assigned to. Funding is believed to be derived from a black budget within the intergrated European Defense force.   * Yo chummers, you can pick these suits out of a crowd, they skip the typical afternoon tourist look when being a fascist and racist art lover.    Bromley Antifa 14/7/2086      * The childish group who called themselves Bromley Antifa has been wraithed.    Mister Black 15/7/2086   * Hey I told you to keep the killings down.    Stumpy 15/7/2086   * Gigi asked me to.    Mister Black 15/7/2086   * Okay then, carry on.    Stumpy 16/7/2086   Agents are equiped with a basic set of personal armored clothing, a medium concealable pistol of their choice and a suite of communications devices which to call in back up or a restoration crew to undo damages done.   Notable operations have been: Stopping the defacing of Hebert's Ophelia, the destruction of Michelangelo's David and the flooding of the Altes Museum Berlin.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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Aug 7, 2024 05:38 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how you took a current event and turned it into something that is both off-the-wall funny and seriously terrifying. I love all the inserted dialogue and may need "Mona Lisa is more important than you" on a shirt.