Attack Plan America

With the Crash of 2029 that destroyed the world wide web and internet, massive amounts of data were lost if not outright destroyed. Over the intervening years multiple attempts were made to recover lost data troves as some may be of value as well as for historical interest.   Of particular interest were the old United States Defense department documents. The overwhelming amount of these amounted to being nothing more than the typical state propaganda designed to placate the dumb masses of stupid people who vote and decide upon issues with their feelings rather than using logic and reason.   One of the most egregious documents shown how the US intercontinental ballistic missile silos were safe from attack. Of the 400 missiles spread across 450 silos with 45 command and control centers it was stated that an attack would require one or two nuclear tipped missiles per target to insure a targets destruction. This was a lie.   An attack on the missile silos would be considered a decapitating strike. The false belief of having to destroy the silos in order to bring this about was shown in an early test when a piece of perimeter chain link fencing which was pulled across the missile site when the blast door slid off it's track and went across the compound. To stop a missile silo from launching one only needs to prevent the blast door from opening or causing the door to only partially opening.   Documents that were recovered show that an unknown state or non-state actor devised a plan to smuggle into the US and key locations world wide a number of Russian Club-K or Chinese YJ-18C container missile systems. These system look like standard shipping containers which could be loaded onto the back of a tractor trailer truck and moved to launch positions where the missile flight time would be five minutes or less. These would be non-nuclear penetrator missiles. Destroying or disabling the blast door track or the pipe work which feeds the high pressure gas which opens the door would be enough to prevent a launch.    Alternatively high explosive penetrator rounds could be dropped from a high cargo capacity drone over the blast doors, delivering the same results.    Additional attacks would be made against the Strategic Air Command bomber bases. These being the easiest targets as they require nothing more than publicly available drones configured to carry a small explosive such as a hand grenade that would be flown into the bomber's jet engine intakes. No engines, no bombers.   The most shocking attacks would be made on the US submarine bases worldwide. Those would be accomplished with drones to disable those submarines which were in port and nuclear attacks with tactical weapons against the ballistic missile carrying submarines at Kitsap Washington and the warhead storage facility at Bangor Washington. With a simultaneous nuclear strike at the facilities at Kings Bay Georgia.   Only those submarine which were at sea and unable to be attacked by ships, perferably a disguised Q-Ship would be able to make a retaliatory attack.    Before the US could make said retaliatory strike if the aggressor could be identified a statement would be issued to the US President that any retaliation would result in US cities being targeted. With launches having been made within the US borders the President would be either forced to resign and pass the situation to his successor or surrender.    One could be grateful that magic returned in 2011 and that the Old United States fell apart without being made into a wasteland.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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Aug 8, 2024 11:00 by Racussa

A highly exciting speculative approach, which I like very much as an alternate history fan. However, the orbital retaliation component is missing a bit, which may have to be taken into account (if you know who the enemy is...).

The world is not enough.