Benoni Klemens Czarny

Subject Record Details:   2035 Assigned as medical assistant researcher Auschwitz Birkenau. Duties not limited to exploratory examinations of Eurowar prisoners, special emphasis given to Alliance of Allah soldiers. Assigned to study differences between prisoners contained outside the arcane wards created by the Silvestrine branch of the Catholic Church and those housed within the historical camp proper.   2048 Promoted to Auschwitz Birkenau  chief medical officer. Primary duties to conduct preliminary investigations into the results of high exposure to "ghosts" and other magical spirits that dwell within the confines of the camp on the prison population. Population including guards with short term  and inmates with long term exposures.   2051 Initiates research into phamaceuticals that may have the potential to offer a resistance to various powers of the extraplanar beings that dwell within the camp boundaries. In particular those spirits that have made the region their "home ground".   2052-2059 Conducts experiments on so call urban explorers and souvenir hunters. Given freedom to conduct these procedures as seen fit. In spite of external protests there are no records to be found on site of any missing person said to have gone to the camp to explore.   2053 Onwards takes on additional responsibilities as Commandant Auschwitz Birkenau on behalf of the Polish Government and given carte blanche over all budgetary and fiscal responsibilities of the facility.  Crematory expenditures noted as increasing an order of magnitude.   2061 Initiates research into the magic surge which began with the passing of Halley's Comet. First test subjects are those newborns that exhibit changeling qualities. Investigates the potential for reversing the the effects of what is being termed The Surge. The arcane wards created by the Silvestrines fail. Genetically engineered awakened bacteria, in particular Fluorescing Astral Bacteria strains I II and III are employed as a stop gap measure to contain the ghosts within the camp.   2061-2064 Acquires more changeling subjects for research though adoption agencies world wide. Though concentrated within Europe.    2064 The second data crash allows for test subject numbers to be increased as prison populations are reduced.   2065 Outbreak of Polish Civil War grants political prisoners and dissidents for testing procedures. Additional armed guards and research staff are provided by the Russian Neo Stalinist forces assisting the Polish Government against the traitorous so called Free Polish Forces.    2065-2074 Free Polish Forces occupy Silesia. Experiments on enemy personal increase as a spiritual weapon is researched which utilizes the resident spirits and how they can be controlled as a remote attack option.   2075 Notes that facility security has been breached at historical site Auschwitz Birkenau II by a team of shadowrunners. Noted one runner is a changeling expressing as type 3, another is early teen female with advanced arcane powers. Initial investigations are believed to indicate that the operation was done to bind one particular spirit into service. Of note this spirit was one of the more powerful free spirits from the prisoner group.   2081 Attempts to destroy and or hide all medical research as camp is taken over by a Western corporate security force with mercenary assistance. Vividly recalls being shot at close quarters before blacking out.   Subject awakens within the Ultraviolet node to continue virtual research under the Halberstam protocol in conjunction with the Ludovico Technique. Subject expresses strong feelings of safety and security within the virtual Swiss bunker.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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