Desert Wars 2086

In the Libyan Desert one will find a vast graveyard of fallen warriors. Those brave warriors having endured the heat, the radiation, and diseases found within the former nation of Libya. All the result of an ill planned attack on the state of Israel or Hell, as some call it since Israel unleashed it's nuclear arsenal on Liyba in response to a massive chemical weapons attack.   Now under Epyptian occupation and leased to the corporations to conduct exercises to resolve corporate conflicts you too can participate either through a matrix interface, as observer or a puppet master controlling a soldier, or directly visit and watch through the privacy of your very own climate controlled and quite comfortable mobile lounge. All sizes of cabins within the lounge are available to you.   This year's summer of 2086 event main event is between the forces of Zeta Imperial Chemicals and Johnney Spinrad Incorporated. Team jerseys, pennants, hats, mugs, hoodies and other team merch available at your Desert Wars online giftshop.   Zeta Imperial Chemicals - Better living through chemistry.   * Should be Cancer has a new name. The Doctor 16/08/2086   Johnny Spinrad Incorporated - It's not rad, it's Spinrad!   * The guy is a crypto pedorast. Corp Watcher 16/07/2086   * Sounds like my kind of guy. Jeeper Creeper 16/07/2086   Who will you support? Who will you watch, hope and pray to win and reach victory? You know you want to, you know you want to subscribe. I can see it in your eyes.   Though the Libyan Desert might seem to be a remote, yet beautiful place of majestic dunes, it is a harsh environment. With ever shifting sands bringing up radioactive dust, radioactive hotspots that will kill if you are overexposed, toxic military waste and debris and poisoned water from the few oasis that are in the region.   Then on the magical side, there are the ghosts of the fallen, toxic spirits and unleashed free elementals roaming the wastes and they do not suffer metahumanity very well.   Again support your favorite corporation and send them well wishes to victory!

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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