Dragons are tricks

There are a great many fine folk, though uneducated and naive, who think that dragons and the like are real. My god, how can anyone be so stupid? It is all a trick, a display of light, smoke, holograms and drones.   Looking at one, how can it possibly fly? It is not aerodynamic, lacks proper muscular structures for flight, it far too large with too much weight for those spindly dinky wings to get it airborn. Especially when you consider that people talk about how a dragon is a scaled armored beast tougher than a main battle tank. At best it is a flying dragon is an artfully designed lighter than aircraft that uses drones and nanotech to appear real. You say you do not trust the government, well looking at a flying dragon is another reason not to. Only the government and corporations have the means to build a flying puppet.   Others talk about a dragon's fiery breath. Oh for real. Wouldn't you think that in addition to carrying it's meat weight around that the liquids and gases it uses to create flame would add even more weight preventing it more so from being able to fly? It is also strange that when a report about dragon fire is made that there are never any first hand witnesses. You would think that someone would be quick to take a photograph or trideo to sell to the newshounds.   At best any dragon story should be shelved with the Bat Boy and I shagged a Yeti while hiking in the Himalayas stories you see at  your local grocery check out queue.    So take it in all with a heavy dash of salt. Dragons are not real, they are fake, a propaganda tool used by the powers that be to keep us down.   Two days later: In an unrelated note the author of the above post was found deceased in his burnt out prefab shipping container home. The cause of the fire is undetermined at this time, however, initial reports have determined the source to be of an external souce. If you have any information please contact law enforcement or fire prevention units.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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