Hawk Cats

There is always a scientist someone, more than likely sequestered in a bunker of a lab who using genetic engineering combined with Crispr technology and stem cell manipilation strives to create a chimera.   One notable creation is the Hawk Cat. Hawk Cats being smaller winged cats that can fly between buildings and other city structures. Most wealthy who have them see them as a novelty and further enhance their genetech pets with other bobs and bits of various creatures to create a true custom companion.   * Yeah those glow is the dark critters are popular.    Stan the Elf 14/07/2086   There are however some enterprising beings perhaps reputatable or not that have bred Hawk Cats to be pure urban predators. Using them to  help rid the sprawls of devil rats, glow rats, succubi and other vermin.   * Those bastards make it hard for us orks to get a pigeon for a pie.    Tommy Pigeon Pot Pie 15/07/2086   * You should be grateful Tommy, you won't have to worry about having a great fall like the one boy did last year.    Pixie 15/07/2086   The Hawk Cat from nose to tip of tail averages between 50 and 75 cm. Their wingspan averages 1.5 meters. They weigh on average around 5 kilos, slightly less for females. This is due to having hollow bones to assist in flight.   Hawk Cats can be of any colour, though those of blue and green with rosette patterns are the most popular this year.    * Hey some damn cat just stole my pigeon pie.    Tommy Pigeon Pot Pie 16/07/2086   * Hahahaha I laugh and giggle at you Tommy.    Pixie 16/07/2086   Hawk Cats have become a problem in certain localities. Not only do they catch and consume pigeons, they always feed upon protected species. To this end Her Majesty's government has entered into consideration as to making it law to keep Hawk Cats and other genetically engineered creatures confined within one's residence. The petition will be sent to parliment.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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