
Medals, whichever country or organization they come from, many people place a great deal of significance upon them. Most often implying that the recipient of them is in some way better, more brave, has a higher intellect or gifted above and beyond that of the average person. Most medals are military either for service or gallantry. Those awarded for combat are the most prized and respected. A few of these are:   Pour le Merite or the Blue Max The Victoria Cross The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross The Order of the Chrysanthemum   There are also medals and awards for civilians, such as:   The Order of Leopold Order of the National Coat of Arms The Legion of Honor Order of the Falcon   Since the inception of these medals and awards, some thought to do away with them as an expression of a bygone time. However, they were retained and updated as the modern world progressed. The achievements that had to be obtained in order to be awarded one were made new with the progression of technology and new interpretations were given consideration when it came to deciding upon recipients.   Today in 2086 there are new medals that represent the advancements our great society has made as well as the new achievements and discoveries of our awakened magical world.   We now have awards and medals for matrix activities, in particular for those who repaired the damages caused by both crashes and for those that fight to stop rogue AIs and data hackers and criminals.   Other awards and medals have been given to those of the awakened world. For developing new rituals and spells to fight hostile spirits. Using magic to clean the environment. Explorations of astral space and the deeper mysteries of the metaplanes.   Often critics express a desire to do away with medals seeing them as a repressive cultural holdover. Fortunately other more rightous and better people have prevailed.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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