Miriam Syndrome

There are several strains of the vampire virus in 2086. Most have sever detriments for any perceived advantage that they might give one of the infected. However by far the worst is what has been termed the Mariam Syndrome after the allegded patient zero Miriam Blaylock and given to her companions.   Miriam Blaylock exhibits a condition where she has apparent immortality, can enjoy being out in the sunshine, can consume alcohol and other beverages, has enhanced physical strength and has a empathic link to create a sympathic bond between her and the one she chooses to be her companion.   Miriam's negatives seem to be a requirement to sleep six hours a day and feeding on blood and body fluids once a week. The feeding is of all blood and bodily fluids and is accomplished in an extremely short amount of time leaving a dry husk behind that can be crushed into a small child's ball, to be later disposed of. Avoiding the first feeding after contracting this variant vampire virus results in death.   Miriam's companions are not so fortunate. A companion will retain a youthful appearance for 150 to 1000 years. Miriam does not know why this is and attributes it is varying genetics. When their time is reached the companion will be unable to sleep, crave more blood and body fluids than once a week as he or she rapidly ages to a state of mummification. Then he or she will remain immortal ever feeling the pains of endless hunger. Miriam keeps her companions locked away in caskets as she has had one former companion escape and go on a feeding rampage before she could recapture him.   It has been speculated that Miriam avoids the rapid aging as she happened to be born from a woman who had contracted the same varient of vampirism as she has. Miriam based on the antiquities contained within her New York home would indicate that she is several thousands of years old.    Unconfirmed reports place Miriam and her companions in a secured lock down medical facility somewhere in Europe.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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