Municipal Flatblock 18-A

Municipal flatblock 18-A Linar North is a great place to take your much needed rest and relaxation. After a hard day of working at the nearby factory to earn for your family, you can return to the block with a nice irradiated vat grown meat dinner that the factory let you take, or maybe you stole it but who cares, and take in the clean refreshing air of the marina before retiring.   Inside you will find the most inspiring corporate artwork showing the hardworking man of the factory readily listening to his supervisors and managers as they produce the goods that are needed for our modern wonderful functioning society. Even the children of the block take part as they loving add their own contributions to the artwork by way of graffiti and colourful slogans.    Do not worry if the lift is out of order. You can lazily walk up the wide comfortable stairwells to your flat. All the while enjoying the view through the glass blocks of the sunset in all it's rich vibrant colours. Reds, orange, yellows, brown and blue when the light passes through the exhaust of the factory stacks. Ending with a flash of green as the sun dips below the horizon.   Sitting down in your synthetic leather recliner with patented vibro massage units, you can take in a show on the trideo. Or for a more intense sensation slip in a chip and get a better than life trip down whatever genre of excitement tugs at your heartstrings.   After which if you have a significant other you can make some quality time as your children creap out for a night of fun of their own before going off to the state educational unit in the morning.    What's that you say? No significant other, no children, then a dial a date companion is just for you or for the low low price with no down payment and made in easy monthly installments, get your own customized replicant direct from the genetech companies in Shanghai, because we all know that Wuhan has a bad name.   Enjoy your night chummer, see you back at the factory.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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