
The Quiraing is an ancient geographical feature on the Island of Skye United Kingdom. Created by a flow of thick volcanic basalt that spread over the peninsula covering the weaker sedimentary rock. Over time this caused several massive landslides which resulted in unique features of the region.    The Quiraing is a craterous hollow of clefts and crags surrounded by a high jagged rampart of knife like stone. Withing the hollow are the various oddities created by the landslides. There is a flat football pitched sized area called the Table, a structure that resembles a medieval keep called the Prison, and spires of rock given names such as the Needle and the Widow's Wail.    People did enjoy taking challenging hikes through the area before the awakening in 2011 and the subsequent return of magic and the ley lines caused the Quiraing to take on a life of it's own.   Firstly it seems the ghosts of the region were drawn to the area which while generally harmless still gave a great many people a fright. These ghosts took on what could be perceived as being a historical role of people who formerly lived in and used the Quiraing as a place of shelter. Mainly they flock to the caves where the Scots would hide their cattle from the English.   Spirits of the natural world returned and took up residence. These spirits made the landscape structures their own and began to mimic the activities of humanity. Earth spirits playing football on the Table. Fire spirits dwelling in the Prison as medieval knights waiting some say for a future battle. Water spirits dancing across the Needle causing plant life to stitch itself alive through the brack and bracken. Finally wind spirits making the Widow's Wail sing like a choir.    The Quiraing has been declared closed to the public and now is guarded by a group of druids some under the Office of the Lord Protector and others wild and untamed. It is rumored that a yet unknown dragon sleeps underneath the Quiraing and efforts are to be made in the event it ever rises forth from it's deep slumber.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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