Second Skin

Second Skin by the Fashion House Zoe; a highly discrete suit of personal body armor. Each suit custom made to it's wearer. Form fitting in a warm snugly way, it can be worn with any other item of the Zoe line.    However most people do not utilize Second Skin to the full potential. Consider the following options one might use when on a job.   Wearing Second Skin in conjunction with the matching booties, gloves and pullover face hood, one can become "invisible" when utilizing the additional ruthenium polymer option which will blend you completely against a given background provided you are not running at a sprint which increases the ruthenium's processing time creating blurs.   Create a costume to help you defend your client. Imagine the surprise an extractor will find when he thinks you are wearing only a ballet tutu but are not.   When off a job there are endless possibilities for social functions and gatherings.   Want to go out for a night at a club? You can program the ruthenium polymer to appear as any type of fetish clothing. Dance your heart away and never have to worry about a rude bruise from an over energetic dancer.   Out for some sun? Program your second skin to be the itsy bitsy bikini you always wanted to wear and have no fear of the UVA rays or the wandering fingers and hands of a wanton admirer.    Best of all Second Skin offers a plethora of custom options above and beyond that you might expect. There is the thermal concealment option to free you from the worry of night vision devices. There is an option for chemical seals to protect you both from the typical sprawl pollutants as well as any hostile vector someone might attempt to use against you.   Second Skin is everyone's best friend. Get your custom fit suit today.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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