
Snitches are bitches. That's right bitches. No one likes these keyboard losers that hide on the matrix banging away about how great they are for exposing someone while never using their real appearance. Yeah that's right you simp, that cute sixteen year old female with the pink hair is really a 300 lb 40ish something year old male.   It does not matter who or what they call themselves, Right Wing Watch, Left Wing Watch, Fascist Watch, Communist Watch, etc etc etc.... Damn these jello brains have more watches than a fine jewelry shop has and none of them can tell the proper correct time.   These snitches believe they are doing the right thing and fighting the good fight. But they are wrong. All they do is antagonize an innocent person or persons. A snitch will try to expose and dox a person for whatever reason. Then give their information to some street scum that will go off and protest or riot outside their home or place of work. They never think about the poor mother trying to put her kids to sleep or the guy trying to bring some groceries home to the family.   Another kind of snitch is the sorry excuse that rats a person out for a reward. Real stinking backstabbers. You never know who you can really trust but a few signs and tells for these pieces of garbage are when they say things like "I don't like that." "I don't say those kinds of things." "I don't think you should think like that." Yeah you hear this kind of trash talk, do yourself a favor and shoot the shit in his head. You'll feel better for it in the morning.    Both kinds think nothing of what they do is wrong. They are always in the right. They expect society to praise them and pat them on the back and tell them that they are good people. Yeah whatever.   Remember this boys and girls and you'll do better on the streets of 2086. Street Preacher signing off.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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