Southampton Relocation Center UK

The Southampton Relocation Center UK was established during the Eurowars in order to provide temporary housing for those displaced persons from the zones of conflict in Eastern and Southern Europe. However at the end of hostilities due to the time it would take to rebuild many of the refugees remained behind and over time became permanent residents of what amounts to being a vast slum, tent city and collection of squatter filled derelict buildings.   The worst part is the internment section for those Islamists and Jihadis thought to be a security threat at the time by the Lord Protectors Office. Not only were those on the criminal watch list sent to internment but their entire families as well. Now these people have devolved into savage feral criminals. They are responsible for the more heinous acts of criminality which happen inside Southampton.   Her Majesty the Queen now wishes to clean Southampton up and close down the center. However there is a great debate as how to proceed going on in Parliament. There are calls for repatriate the inhabitants to their country of origin, while others call to integrate them into British society and train them to be productive people that are a net gain for the economy. Still others call for bulldozers to push them into the sea and be done with them.    Overall there is a great deal of hypocrisy. Almost everyone agrees that a jihadist rapist and groomer should be in prison, yet some call for forgiveness, however, those that do never want the islamist scum living near them. Others call for the sending of Romanian carpenters home, but keeping the pretty Polish prostitutes is fine. It is amazing that a few still feel that teaching people to speak, read and write the Queen's English and to sing songs from The Church of England hymnal is enough.    May the wise men and women in Parliament come to a fair and equitable solution.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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