Tchaikovsky Vampyre Ballet

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the world famous classical composer best known for his three famous ballets, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker. There was a fourth The Vampyre discovered in 2079, however, there is doubt as to whether the great composer actually wrote it.   Some claim that it was written by Lord Byron as an accompaniment to work The Giaour, with emphasis on the section entitled The Vampyre. Many do doubt this, however, authors have been known to dabble in music.   Still others say it was composed by a cabal of pre-awakening vampires that somehow were able to survive in the mana poor world. Perhaps these are some of the legendary ones written about in historical texts.    Then again it is believed that the composition was devised by free spirits who sought a way for more of their kind to enter the world. On the nature of spirits, many of them are aware of metahuman activities and have knowledge of the skills that man possesses. It is conceivable that a spirit or group of spirits could compose the music.   The choreography is believed to have been created by Franceska Mann, a Polish ballerina with a colorful history. Some reports have her being killed in Auschwitz Birkenau after staging a revolt, others have her being executed by the Polish Underground in Warsaw, for having been a collaborator with the German Occupational Government. Circumstantial evidence has only been a rumor of a team of shadowrunners visiting both Hotel Polski and the concentration camp Auschwitz Birkenau. Incidentially the first performance of The Vampyre was performed by the English National Ballet in London. There was a report of a riot at the performance, however, all details have been classified and locked away.   The only thing of certainity is that The Vampyre liberetto has a magical background. What that magic does or would have done is a secret only known to the ballerina that first danced the role.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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