
Good morning boys and girls, today we will be discussing the new virus that has been making rounds that they media has dubbed Toast. Ready your datalinks and login to Social Biology 203.   An animated piece of pixilated toast dances on the screen.   Hi, I am Toast, and I am not the lovely kind of toast mom makes for you at breakfast. Oh no, no crispy warmth with butter, jam or better yet marmalade. I am the Toast you get from grunging around one of your vile filthy youth clubs when you grind on each other's sweaty manky flesh. Do you little bastards bathe properly?   Anyway. Some upstart and upright doctor says that I am a gene sequenced crispr engineered phage that hijiacks Ecthyma causing skin blisters, pustules, ulcers and necrotic eschars. The affected area will stink like burnt toast and rancid butter. Now you know why I am called Toast.    I am contagious. The contact vector is direct skin to skin contact. A simple handshake will do, though mostly reports are of infections occuring at dance parties, saunas, and other venues where clothing is of a more optional nature. If you want to avoid me do not have skin to skin contact. Wear clothing or a pharmaceutical grade body glove.   Elves and humans suffer the least of all when becoming infected with Toast. Dwarves and orks fall into the next category of sufferers. Final trolls suffer the most as their dermal skin deposits fester rather easily causing them great pain and discomfort.    It is unknown as to why the various populations of meta-humanity suffer as they do.   But worry not boys and girls, should you suspect you may be infected or exposed to someone carrying me on their skin, you can find suitable treatments offered by Zeta Imperial Chemicals medical division. Simply fill out your government issued insurance forms and submit them when you come in for an examination. For those without health care, you can apply for a ZIC caring insurance package. See you local representative.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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