Tupolev AB-58 Nuclear Drone Night Witch

After the end of the Eurowars the Neo Stalinist government of Russia thought it would be best to have a deterrent to both traditional military forces and the new awakened forces of magical phenomenon throughout the world. To this end a massive intercontinental sized bomber drone was designed and built. The Tupolev AB-58 Night Witch.   Yet this drone was something special. Powered by four nuclear powered ramjets the Night Witch would have unlimited range, unlimited ability to loiter and could fly a circuitous route to avoid detection and increase the surprise factor. With the minature reactors powering the ramjets it could conceivably fly for thirty years without refueling. It would be able to travel at over Mach 3 for the entire duration of the flight.   The bomb bay was equiped to carry a full load of sixty nuclear bombs with a yield of 800 kilotons each. Each bomb was built with a casing of Cobalt 60 to increase the radioactive yield. The Night Witch was intended to be a dooms day weapon used in the event that Russia being overrun.    In addition the Night Witch was constructed using all available stealth technologies and radar absorbent materials.    During the second data crash of 2064 the Night Witch went missing. It was believed by many to have automatically launched due to it's link with the Russia rocket forces command being lost during the crash. Others believe that it was taken over by a rogue artificial intelligence.    If truly launched one can only speculate as to why the Night Witch did not go on it's bombing run and deliver strikes against it's predetermined targets.   * You mean that this thing is flying around ready to nuke us?    Johnny Zhivago 15/05/2086   * I heard from a friend of a friend that a pilot was aboard for maintenance when it took off. That the pilot overrided the bomb run but was unable to land. But being a drone there was no way to bail out so he starved to death saving us all.    Knight of the Air 03/06/2086   * Living in Northern Norway, sometimes we see the Aurora and it is not wavy but straight lines. Could that be the radioactive waste the ramjets produce?    Some fisherman named Sven 19/06/2086   * Sheesh this thing if flying still has eight years to rain doom and gloom on us?    Stumpy 01/07/2086

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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