Pengana Geographic Location in Tales of Anshar | World Anvil
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Pengana is Inanna's southern continent. Temperatures range in the mid 30s during the day and the high 20s at night. Unlike the other continents, Pengana is mostly flat, which causes large swaths of the land to flood during the night season. These flood plains are seasonal wetlands: dry forest during the day, swamp at night. The higher regions are covered in the standard dense forests found in most of Inanna's lowlands.   Pengana is home to the High Elven League, a confederation of four republics (Haliastur, Harpagus, Ictinia, Migrans). It is the only continent without major volcanism. There are three tesserae comprising the totality of Pengana's highlands. The largest of these, Tessera Meyeri, is the home of the Haliastur Republic.

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