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Eastern Reach

The Eastern Reach is a vast stretch of largely untamed wilderness in northern Imora belonging to no one nation, stretching from Emn to the eastern coast and bordered to the north by Tyroch and Vraigoria and to the south by Kashgar. While it has no shortage of resources - massive forests and mineral-rich hills in particular, as well as a fallen Great Ring - the Reach boasts few settlements, and a traveler can go for days or weeks without encountering another sentient soul.

The primary reason for this is that the Reach is dangerous, even beyond the wild places elsewhere in Bresas-Imora. Its hills and forests are filled with deadly creatures, from the more commonplace dire ermine and raptor pard (both of which grow larger here than nearer civilization) to more exotic predators like the voulgehawk, greater nighttiger, and kryocaudatus, to things that have no name in a civilized tongue. Dragons are more numerous in this region than anywhere else in Bresas-Imora; Sothrax Despos Sundeath is said to have come from here, from a lineage in the deep hills. Many creatures of the Reach show startling mutations, suggesting an uncanny influence that pervades the area.

Moreover, the land itself seems to have a malign intelligence and a desire to misdirect travelers. Experienced trackers have gone into its forests and vanished; those who return speak of shifting landscapes, disembodied voices, and unspooling miles of impossible distance the woods' perimeter could not possibly contain. Time shifts unpredictably, and some who go into the wilderness come out changed in unpleasant and unnatural ways. If the land here is host to the same attendant spirits communed with by the Green Faith, they are capricious, malevolent, and hostile to humankind.

The Great Ring that fell into the Eastern Reach lies in the middle of one of its forests, near the mouth of the Great Dragon River. None of the expeditions that have set out to explore its secrets have returned.


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