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Fall of Raun

The devastation of Raun was a supernatural event in northern Bresas that occured in 775 prior to the Free Years, leaving a wide region destroyed and triggering fallout in both the land and its political divisions for centuries.
Raun was one of the Pale Kingdoms, a loose confederation of nation-states that arose in northern Bresas around the 34th century PFY from alliances between humans and fey. The Pale Kingdoms made enormous advancements in both sorcery and magical technology, in part through the study of the fallen Great Rings left behind by the enigmatic Thrul.
Raun was a particular innovator in the arcane sciences, hosting its own Great Ring left more intact than perhaps any other. By the 8th century PFY, Raun surpassed its neighboring Pale Kingdoms in Ringlore and had founded a massive library of occult study in its capital of Vaelia consulted by scholars, sorcerers, and alchemists from across the region.
The precise cause of the accident that devastated Raun is unknown for certain, save that it originated somewhere inside the Great Ring and resulted in a chain reaction that escalated in moments. The Ring itself evaporated in the explosion, taking most of the city of Vaelia with it. Within hours, magical energy had spead outward for miles; within days, the entire nation was consumed, along with parts of the territories of its neighboring kingdoms. Thousands died immediately, while thousands more met their end with the spread of the disaster's effects. Most who did not die were warped into monstrous shapes, almost all traces of their minds and identities lost.
The region now known as the Raunland is still bare of most life. Trees are unable to grow in Raunland soil, though some hardy scrub persists. The forest at the edge of the region is considered especially dangerous, still infected with ambient magical energy. The descendants of the mutated victims of the disaster still wander the wastes in search of other creatures to consume, and who is predator and who is prey often depends on which monstrosity gets the drop on the other.
Despite the loss of Raun's collected wisdom, study of the area has yielded a number of discoveries about Ringlore, especially in understanding the far earlier event not far from the region that created the Ring Wastes. While expeditions into the Raunland are dangerous, they also yield fruitful knowledge, and the nations of Bresas-Imora regularly fund adventuring parties to explore the ruined expanse and bring back artifacts of note.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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Aug 3, 2023 01:57 by George Sanders

Epic event! Someone didn't follow safety protocols.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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