Aelhearn Lemore Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Aelhearn Lemore

This broad-shouldered man has chiseled features and dark stubble underneath dark, sunken eyes. His chest piece is dented and devoid of luster; the nicks upon his sword betray years of use.   Having now learned that the Duke he swore his life and sword to is a lying piece of shit, Aelhearn looks defeated, his head hung and his voice weary. He constantly picks at his fingernails, and times of great stress will leave them bleeding. He’ll curl his fingers and use the pain to keep himself alert at night.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Years of fighting have dulled his conscience and the gallons of blood he has spilled have dampened his morale. That said, he’s a skilled fighter and worthy to have at your side in a pinch, but his constant prattling and cynicism can grate on anyone’s nerves. Interestingly enough, his approach does make it easier to plan an opponent’s likely path of attack.

Personality Characteristics


Aelhearn has seen enough battle to know how things are going to end. Now he's not so sure that he's been on the right side of those battles. He’s dark and brooding, commenting on the worst of things. He’s not one to give up, but he sets expectations low with his cynical outlook. He’s typically ready for the worst-case scenario.     He only hopes to live to correct the errors he's made. He hopes he’s wrong and things don’t go as bad as he expects, but just in case, he’s made sure he’ll survive.


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