Cantoule Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil


At 40, Cantoule is young for his station as the reigning Grand Master of Flowers. He was pressed into the position when Grand Master Poke died, and Kane professed no desire to hold the station for any extended period. Even then Cantoule was not the next most obvious successor.   Unfortunately, the man who was next in line, a named Temmenische, was also 95 years old. Kane and Temmenische realized that Cantoule would be the most appropriate successor, so they put him through a crash course of the higher level lessons.   Cantoule continues his lessons even as he presides over the monastery. Times are peaceful, tradition keeps things running smoothly, and the young Grand Master seems up to the task. His first serious test will come in the near future when he must decide who the monastery will support among the would-be kings of the Damaran region. All indications point to Gareth Dragonsbane as his choice.   Cantoule freely accepts visitors to the monastery. If they are worthy, he might give them a private audience. Cantoule will be directly or indirectly involved with any significant actions that PCs take in the southern Earthspur Mountains.
Year of Birth
1333 40 Years old
Shaved Head


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