Corum Stormeyes Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Corum Stormeyes

Corum grew up in Cormanthor, among the elves of the great forest. Due to his intelligence, he was apprenticed to a wizard and was trained as an evoker. However, Corum had different ideas. He often snuck away from his wizardly studies to learn the blade. He followed some of the great battlemasters around and mimicked their actions in private. Soon after his master presented him to the council as the newest evoker, he shocked everyone by asking to be trained in the arts of battle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Corum's training as a battlemaster has hampered his growth in the evoker's arts, but he'd have it no other way. During a Zhent slave raid into Cormathor, he was part of the rearguard as elven forces and citizens escaped the slavers. In the end, he alone stood toe to toe with the Zhents, punishing them with both magic and sword. It was said that lightning leapt from his eyes to scorch his enemies, and onward he would be known as Stormeyes. Unfortunately, he was captured and sold into slavery. Even in slavery, word of his heroic stand made him something of a legend among the other slaves.   Corum proved an intractable slave, and was eventually brought to the slave markets of Melvaunt. He was in the slave caravan that was liberated by Garath Blackhand, the Mistmaster. Soon after gaining his freedom, Corum joined his liberator in helping the slaves escape the realm. He saw in Garath a leader to be proud of, and swore service to the mage.   Corum now serves as the commander of Garath's guard. He is in charge of the Middle Bailey of Mistmoor Castle, which includes the barracks and guest housing for important visitors. He spends time practicing and honing both his magic and his swordsmanship. He has researched several unique spells, including the spell Stormeyes, which allows him to cast lightning bolts from his eyes, giving credence to his nickname. He favors lightning spells.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1228 145 Years old
Bright Blue Eyes
Long White Hair
5' 10"
165 lbs.


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