Cult of Orcus Organization in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Cult of Orcus

The cult of Orcus is widespread, with a more significant following among humanoids than most demon princes can boast. In particular, Orcs, half-orcs, ogres, and giants revere Orcus, as do a large number of corrupt and despicable humans. His temples are usually hidden, and his worshipers form secret societies living in otherwise normal communities. Other of his temples are terrible strongholds full of undead, where wicked lords commit atrocities and wage wars in the demon prince's name. Sometimes an entire orc tribe devotes itself to the Prince of the Undead, but such individuals are shunned even by other Orcs.     Orcus demands living sacrifice as a part of his rituals. Blood and skulls are an important part of the imagery used in his worship. Idols and altars are often surrounded by or built upon tall piles of skulls. Intelligent undead never willingly serve Orcus (they are more likely to venerate the deities Vecna or Etythnul). However, many vampires, liches, and other undead creatures are forced into his service by dark pacts or compelling magic.   Priests and particularly influential followers of Orcus are called Skulls, while high priests are called Skull Lords. Often, a single Skull Lord gains so much power and influence among the followers of Orcus that he adopts the mantle of Skull King or Skull Queen.     It is common for followers of Orcus to carry black, skull-topped scepters around, not in order to fool anyone into thinking that they wield the actual Wand of Orcus, but to represent and remind others of their lord's dread might. They also often wear skull masks and black robes with hoods or goat-horned headdresses and silver robes.     Clerics affiliated with Orcus typically have access to the Death domain.


The Servants of Orcus Orcus has many servants, and most of them are undead, although a number of demons serve him as well. Most of his servants do not last long enough to gain positions of power.   Cultists: Perhaps one of the most powerful and infamous priests of Orcus alive today is an ogrillon named Quah-Nomag. Not only is Quah-Nomag a despicable creature in virtually every way, but he was said to be instrumental in restoring Orcus back to the living. The evil cleric used an obscene ritual on the Astral Plane that restored Orcus. For his reward, Quah-Nomag has been given many blessings from Orcus. While he retains his power and title, Quah-Nomag may not be able to count on Orcus's gratitude forever.   Kauvra is a vampire who serves as an enforcer for Orcus on Thanatos. Her rages are infamous, as is the long list of creatures that she has slain single-handedly.   Harthoon's arcane power makes him a perfect vizier for the Prince of the Undead, and he currently serves in that capacity at Orcus's right hand.   In addition to Kauvra and Harthoon, Orcus has four nascent demon lords who are also worshiped on the material plane. These nascent demon lords long for the day that Orcus expands his control of the Abyss, expecting that they will each be rewarded with their own Abyssal Layer or Domain. They each control significant domains on Orcus' plane of Thanatos.
  • Doresain, Patron of Necromancy and Ghouls.
  • Evening Glory, Patroness of Eternal Beauty, and Undead Immortality.
  • Kanchelsis, Patron of Blood, Debauch, Magic, and Vampirisim.
  • Mellifleur, Patron of Lichdom and Necromancy.
Religious, Cult


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