Forest of Lethyr Geographic Location in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Forest of Lethyr

The Forest of Lethyr occupies the southern half of the Great Dale and is a natural boundary between that land and Thesk. The portion of the forest south of the River Flam is considered Theskian land. The residents of the Great Dale hardly notice.     This area has been constantly logged over the years, making it the poor cousin of the northern reaches. Close to the Golden Way, these lands are too near civilization for comfort in the minds of druids and rangers.     The Forest of Lethyr is home to the Lethyarch, the most powerful druid in northeastern Faerûn. The Lethyarch leads the Circle of Leth and their agents, the Lethtyar hunters. From his seat at Yeshelmaar, the Lethyarch and the druids who serve him defend the forest against wanton cutting and oversettlement.     The Lethtyarch also claims he is the master of the Rawlinswood, but two years ago the frenzied hordes of the Rotting Man and the Nethyarch of Dun-Tharos drove the Circle of Leth to the southern forest. Separated by the sparsely populated valley of the Great Dale, these three opposing forces are engaged in a mortal struggle for both woodlands.     The Forest of Lethyr is filled with all sorts of creatures, but the most prominent ones are the treants who work with their humanoid friends to protect the woods. Lethyr is also home to several villages of secretive wood elves, as well as a handful of volodni bands.     Human settlements are limited to the forest’s southern edges. Spearsmouth Dale is nestled on the edges of the treeless valley closest to the source of the Flam. The next valley to the northeast along the forest’s edge is home to Mettledale.


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