Halgra of the Blackened Blades Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Halgra of the Blackened Blades

The older Rageborn woman's hair is going gray, and she is often seen with at least a half-dozen children encircling her. Past the matronly exterior, one notices a practiced warrior who keeps a clear eye on her surroundings. She speaks with almost everyone she passes asking about the weather, crops, their shop or craft, and all manner of trivialities.   For the last 20 years, the position of Chief Defender has been held by Halgra of the Blackened Blades. A Palischuk native, Halgra left the town at a young age to become an adventurer, fighting and raiding her way across Vaasa, Damara, and all the way up to the Great Glacier. She finally returned at the age of 42 with a veritable throng of children in tow, all from different fathers, and settled in to spend the rest of her life defending her home. Though Jagrin Grath now guides the patrols and raiding parties, Halgra is still a mountain of a woman and quick with her trademark lamp-blackened swords, and her deft politics and tactical acumen mean that no one can honestly challenge her fitness to lead.   Father Figures: Halgra has a whole passel of grown children, but are those she brought to Palischuk the only ones, or are some of the supposed traders she meets with her offspring as well? And what exactly is the story behind her half-orc children, anyway? Could one of their fathers be a powerful orc leader? Some folk even whisper that Hundux Half-Man, the ruler of Wyvernsting, was one of her lovers—or her child!   Secret Stash: No one’s quite sure where, but most people are convinced that somewhere in the Meeting Room of the Ivory Hall is a hidden safe where Halgra keeps the jewels and magic items she must undoubtedly have acquired during her decades of adventuring—items that could easily be sold off or used to help the town.
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