Jinst Farreacher Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Jinst Farreacher

Jinst started life as Jhesek, a red-haired Rashemi warrior traveling the world selling his sword arm for any nearby cause. A heart of gold, Jhesek soon earned the nickname "The Fox" for his red hair, tied in a ponytail that resembled a fox's tail and for his flair for the dramatic. He was fast on his feet and good with the ladies. Eventually he ended up in Vaasa working for Garath "Mistmaster" Blackhand. He enjoyed the role of wizard's bodyguard immensely. Garath seemed like an honorable man (for a wizard) and his missions were always exciting and lucrative.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

On one mission into the Moonsea, Garath's party and Jhesek rescued a large slave caravan from some local slave lords. The escape included a fight with a white dragons, and a counterattack from a death knight, an escape from being buried alive, and other dangers. Of the hundred and fifty slaves, only sixty-one were alive when they finally made it back to Karridian Keep.   One of the young children had run off and was captured by Blackhand's mortal enemy, the druid Seamus. Jhesek followed, after sending word to Garath and friends. Seamus was about to sacrifice the boy when Jhesek charged in, distracting the druid long enough for the boy to escape. Helped arrived, but it was too late, Jhesek had been killed. Unable to raise him, Garath allowed Jhesek to be reincarnated by the local Vaasan druids, and along came Jinst.   Imagine Jhesek's surprise waking in the body of what he now calls "a smoking-hot elf maiden". Not only was he a different race and gender, but he (she) heard the thrum of nature. The spirits which spoke to her (him) called her Jinst, a name that Jhesek adopted. Jinst has adapted to her new lifestyle, although the fact that she still prefers females as partners is a limiting factor. She still remembers all of the skills Jhesek once had, but now follows the path of the druid and has joined the local Vaasan Circle of the Land.   Jinst has been joined by a hawk spirit named Greentalon. Greentalon's most unusual feature is that it has green eyes, the exact same shade as Jinst (and coincidentally Jhesek's)
Current Location
1349 1371 22 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Reincarnated as Jinst in 1371
Circumstances of Death
Jhesek died protecting a boy from being sacrificed by Seamus to Tiamat.
Emerald Green Eyes
Long Blonde Hair
5' 4"
120 lbs


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