Justinian of Cromm's Holdfast Character in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Justinian of Cromm's Holdfast

Powerfully built warrior of mixed human ethnicities with a blonde mane of hair framing a huge smile     6’4" & 280lbs with a hulking frame with a blonde mane gives Justinian the look of a lion… The day to day recreational/athletic robes of the Tempurian faith normally adorn the Priest of Tempus but give way to well worn plate armour when danger threatens the town… Though in his mid 40s the old ex-adventure is never far from his trusty maul…     Justinian was born a bastard in the flea bottom slums of Melavaunt on the shores of the wicked Moonsea… His massive strength pushed him into a martial lifestyle… From pit-fighting as a child to a short career as a man at arms he ended up an adventurer plundering the relics North of the Moonsea… He fell in love with a half orc ranger, Par-Nella Haraadar… Her fury matched his and her wisdom unlocked his as he unlocked his domain of war and took up the Tempurian faith… After a time they retired from adventuring and settled back amidst her kin in Palischuck… They took in her orphaned nephew Pagu and raised him as their own… During the troubles of Zhengyi’s control over the Rageborn town the couple reluctantly supported their clan and it’s conservative support of cruel monster ruling the town to keep Pagu safe but were the first take up axe and maul when the revolt started…     Recently events have been hard on Justinian…. Two winter’s ago Par-Nella perished defending the clans flock from a frost giant raid… Wounds too grievous to even contemplate a raising… That death, triggered a wanderlust in young Pagu leading him to leave to follow a visions quest… Now Justinian is a lonely human widow in the wild north of Vassa… He seeks solace in his coach like report with the youth of Palischuk as he is a primary drill master of the militia…
Current Location
6' 4"
280 lbs.


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