Slaughtergarde Temple Building / Landmark in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

Slaughtergarde Temple

The Surinak Hunting Lodge

The lodge’s front door is unlocked, and the inside is bare except for a stone hearth and chimney. It’s clean and maintained, but it feels creepy. Surinak hunters once brought their gear and furniture with them when they planned on staying in the lodge for a significant amount of time.    

The Slaughtergarde Temple

Access to the temple is simple. The lodge’s hearth is made of an old millstone that’s hinged and opens to reveal a stairway down. A Search check is sufficient to notice the unusual placement of the millstone, but the PCs probably already know it’s there.   The staircase down is actually 50 feet long; the last 15 feet are in the Surinak Tapestry Hall. Light from the demon arch in the Tapestry Hall can be seen from the top of the stairs as a dim glow, but the staircase is dark until the PCs enter the hall.


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