
Lady Luck, the Lady Who Smiles, Our Smiling Lady, Tyche's Fair-Haired Daughter

Tymora (Tie-MORE-ah) is sometimes called Tyche's fair-haired or fair-tressed daughter or Beshaba's bright sister, but these are more poetic titles than designations of her maternal lineage or her hair color. In actuality, Tymora is half of the deity once known as Tyche, with Beshaba being the other half.   Tymora inherited Tyche's grace and kindness when that goddess split into two beings in the Dawn Cataclysm, a war among the gods that long preceded the Time of Troubles and is said to have heralded the fall of Myth Drannor. Beshaba garnered more of Tyche's wanton, willful nature, sensual side, and restless energy.   Tymora's faith is one of the most common in the Faerun, in particular since it caters most heavily to a highly mobile, relatively wealthy, and intrinsically powerful group who live by their wits and by their luck: adventurers. Tymora is fickle but playful and never vengeful or malicious. She likes a good joke and has been known to play an occasional practical joke on some of the more straight-laced Faerunian deities, such as Helm and Tyr. She is reputed by sages to have had short-lived romances with several of the good male deities of Faerun, but these ended amicably on both sides after a short while. She likes merriment and festive occasions and rumors abound at gaming houses throughout Faerun of people who spotted her at the tables during one holiday or another, laughing and having a good time with all.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silver or gold coin with Tymora’s face surrounded by shamrocks

Tenets of Faith

Tymora's faith teaches that one should be bold, for to dare is to live. The battle cry of the followers of Tymora is "Fortune favors the bold." A brave heart and willingness to take risks beat out a carefully wrought plan nine times out of ten. One must place oneself in the hands of fate (meaning in the hands of Tymora) and trust to one's own luck. Tymoran clergy are told that the Lady's own luck never fails. If she appears to mortals as a victim of mischance or misfortune, she is doubtless causing this state of affairs as a deliberate test. Clergy members should know this, but not speak of it to those not in the Lady's service. Priests of Tymora should bear and conduct themselves as their own masters, showing their good fortune—and acceptance of bad fortune—as a confidence in the Lady and in themselves. Lady Luck bids that each mortal chase his or her own unique goals, and it is in this chase that the Lady aids. Those who have no direction or goals soon know the embrace of the Lady's dark sister, Beshaba, for those on no set course are at the capricious mercy of misfortune, which is no mercy at all.


The church of Tymora has no set rituals, and ceremonies and duties vary widely from temple to temple - but the clergy headed by Daramos Lauthyr of Arabel seem to be steadily organizing and imposing order on the previously freewheeling priesthood of the goddess.   Whatever their differences throughout the years, the clergy of Tymora have always adhered to rituals of greeting, touching their silver disks (the holy symbols of Tymora) to each other (and often embracing to do so) after watchwords of recognition have been exchanged. To unknown persons and beings they know to be worshipers of Tymora, but possibly laity, they say: "Life is short. Live it as Tymora means it to be lived!" This is answered by: "Dare all, and trust in the Lady." The watchwords between friends, or when both parties know each other to be clergy of Tymora, are simpler: "Defy," answered by "Dare much."   Midsummer is the most important festival of Tymora—a wild, nightlong revel of reckless, mischievous derring-do and romantic trysts. It is a time for the wandering clergy to gather and meet with Harpers, those of allied faiths, and relatives. Many missions and plans are laid at such times. The most holy festival of Tymora is Starfall, which occurs on the 22nd day of Marpenoth which is believed by the followers of Tymora—though not by the rival clergy of Beshaba—to be the date of Tyche's destruction and Tymora's birth. On this date, clergy who have earned advancement are formally acclaimed and presented with tokens and vestments appropriate to their new station.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Day-to-Day Activities

The clergy of the Lady go throughout Faerun urging folk to take chances and pursue their dreams, and to not spend all their days planning and daring nothing. (They do not, as some folk say, encourage folk to indulge in reckless whims and frivolity.) Having offered such counsel, Tymoran clergy are duty bound to aid those who have dared with healing spells and other magical aid (sometimes surreptitiously) so as to reinforce the message of the good fortune one can win by trusting in Tymora.  

Priestly Vestments

The standard clerical dress varies from temple to temple, ranging from full habits and headpieces in Arabel to simple robes in Shadowdale. Blue and silver are colors often seen. Personal taste of the matriarch or patriarch influences the dress code, as does climate (natural and political) and availability of fine clothing. The common item worn by all clergy is the disk of Tymora, usually carried on a small chain.    

Adventuring Garb

All adventuring or traveling clergy members wear whatever garments they please, though the colors blue and silver are still predominant. High boots also seem favorite fashion elements. All priests continue to wear Tymora's silver disk next to their skin, usually as a medallion worn around the neck; however, many clergy also wear smaller holy symbols as anklets, bracelets, or at their hips, under their clothing.
Symbol: Silver or gold coin with Tymora’s face surrounded by shamrocks   Home Plane: Brightwater   Alignment: Chaotic good   Portfolio: Good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers   Worshipers: Rogues, gamblers, adventurers, Harpers, lightfoot halflings   Domains: Trickery   Favored Weapon: A spinning coin (shuriken)   Allies: Lathander, Selune, Shaundakul   Enemies: Beshaba, Bane, Moander (now dead)
Divine Classification


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