Urnar Gundarsun

First Shield Urnar Gundarsun

First Shield Urnar commands the Shield Arms of Ironspur, a military elite whose sole purpose is to protect the royal family and the king from attack. Urnar has led the group for 3 years now and is still as focused on his duty as the day he attained his current rank. While exploring the mountains around Ironspur nearly a half-century ago, Urnar came upon a young dwarven couple cornered on a ledge by a ferocious troll. Heedless of his own safety, Urnar charged the troll, shoving it off the ledge to fall on the jagged rocks below. He then turned to see if the two dwarves were all right, only to be informed that the dwarven woman was princess Milla of Ironspur, the daughter of King Draghnor, and the male who had been so fiercely defending her was a captain of the Shield Arms. He was immediately invited to join the unit, an invitation that he accepted with gratitude. Today, he commands the entire regiment, and his reputation remains untarnished. Urnar is a dour dwarf who thinks of the Shield Arms as his family. He has never married and has few friends outside of the military, though he is an especially devout dwarf and gives much of his pay to the church of Clangeddin. He is a fearsome sight, clad in steel plate armor and wielding a great mace. He sometimes chafes at garrison duty and longs for the thrill of battle, but his unflinching loyalty to Ironspur prevents him from acting upon these desires.
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