Zhengyi's Victory

Military action


Year of the Prince

The Vaasan/Damaran War lasted for ten years before King Virdin Bloodfeathers faced off against the Witch King at the Ford of Goliad. Felix, the King’s chief lieutenant secured a way for Virdon’s armies to triumph, but was secretly an assassin working with Zhengyi. On a hill a short distance from the battle Virdin watched as Zhengyi’s forces shattered his remaining armies before Felix’s dagger finished the job the Witch-King had started. Zhengyi wasn’t finished. Calling on the Citadel of Assassins, the most loyal and powerful of Damara’s nobles were slain in their beds in one bloody night. Zhengyi hand-picked the new barons of Damara and granted them a veneer of independence, after they paid tribute to their new lord. Damara began spiraling into economic ruin while the neighboring states could only sit tight and hope that the Witch-King was content with his new domain. Dimina Ree moves his seat of power to Heliogabalus

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