Metaphysical / Paranormal event
07 Serpent Skull In the year 4711 a group traveling to Sargovia hit a bad storm and had their ship sunk off the coast of the Smuggler's Shiv. Following the trail of the Serpentfolk who's magical powers summoned the storm the castaways end up spending two years exploring the Mwangi Expanse following the trails lead by ruins they founds seeking the fabled city of Saventh-Yhi. The heroes fought against the Avatar of Ydersius. They were able to defeat Ydersius but alas they were not able to slay him. The next full moon he regenerated.. using his magic he was able to resurrect the three high priests that were slain by the heroes a couple of weeks before. The Gorilla King Ruthazek tried to stop Ydersius but even his legions of simians and halfling headhunters were not able to. They retreated towards the southern dense jungle regions of Garund. Thankfully for the surface world Ydersius departed swiftly for The Darklands where he has spent the past three years engaged in new Serpent War. Before departing He did seal the Crypt of Savitha with ancient Ion Magic. Ydersius's base of operations has been the Vault of Sverenagati for these past years.