26th of Abadius, 4716
I'm beginning a journal, in light of new details I feel leaving some memoire of my journey is important. We're currently tackling a Frost Giant Village referred to as "Skirgaard Village". Named after its founder, and current leader? Under new information I worry about it's leaders abilities. It seems that some of the worship is divided into two deities. Thremyr, god of Frost giants and the like. And the ever unpleasant Urgathoa, goddess of undeath. If this villages main temple is to that being, I can't imagine what powers this Skirkatla wields are anything but necromantic. Not to mention Urgathoas plans we uncovered for the Storm Tyrant himself.
We've been slowly witling away at the villages morale. Removing numerous benefits to being apart of this army. I can't see these Giants holding out against us for too long at this rate. We have just returned from dismantling the temple to Urgathoa, dispatching the frost Drakes that call this home, and managing to destroy the colossal wooden titan. I couldn't stand to see the worship of such a horrid creature so I set all flammable substances alight.
Unfortunately Var'ros brought some troubling news, it appears a Tomb Giant has made this place its home. A giant that deals in the necromantic arts. It took the corpse of that undead creature into Skirgaards Tomb, and Skirkatlas lair. It's the pessimist in me that says we have not seen the last of that undead monster. Next time, I'll make sure to leave nothing left.
I made some sort of contact with Sarenrae awhile back. Asked her about Naximarra, the Dragon is playing some sort of game. She says it's all to get back the Dragon Orb the Storm Tyrant has. But Sarenrae has led me to believe there's something else. I just can't place it. And Trunau is safe.
And most importantly, she's alive. Thank you Sarenrae for telling me this. I hope this next ritual will allow me to see her.
It worked! She faired better against the fire than I. The divination didn't give me much information on where she was. But I hope once we've dealt with this menace, I can devote some time into searching.