
Two hundred and twenty years ago, Choral the Conqueror swept into the rival kingdoms of Issia and Rostland, welding the former foes into the single nation of Brevoy with sword and dragon flame. Choral founded the royal House Rogarvia, and his descendants ruled the new nation for 200 years. Yet the old enmities between Issia and Rostland, which had been held in check only by force, never healed. When Choral reapportioned his new kingdom among the seven great families of Brevoy, he changed their titles and leadership but largely kept the boundaries of their holdings intact. Thus the legal and cultural borders between Issia and Rostland survived, and when every member of House Rogarvia vanished in a single night without a trace, Brevoy’s noble families swiftly fell back into their feuds. Today, 20 years after the Vanishing, Brevoy remains on the brink of civil war despite diplomats’ heroic efforts to mend the country’s fractures.   The closing of the Worldwound has increased trade along the Lake of Mists and Veils, and resettlement of formerly demon-plagued lands has driven up Mendev’s demand for Brevoy’s hardy livestock and seed grain. Meanwhile, Tar-Baphon’s ascent over Lake Encarthan has shifted much southern trade to the Sellen River, which originates in Brevoy. Yet while the rich farmlands of Rostland produce most of the nation’s goods, Issia’s sailors control shipping and pocket most of the profits.     Rostlanders, who have long believed their labor is exploited by the sly, clever-tongued Issians—who are, after all, outright pirates before they were conquered by Choral—grow increasingly frustrated by this perceived unfairness. Issia’s merchant princes argue that they supply the ships and negotiate the trade agreements that bring wealth to all, and if they can’t invest adequately in their shipping fleets, they risk losing trade to foreign rivals. Meanwhile, commoners’ discontent and complaints about their taxes being “stolen” by Issia echoes ever-louder in their lords’ halls.   A potential marriage alliance between reigning House Surtova and wealthy House Lebeda, which might have closed the fissure between Rostland and Issia, came to an abrupt halt when Natala Surtova, sister to the king, accused Lord Lander Lebeda of treason. The young lord vanished in response, leaving the would-be bride Elanna Lebeda to return home in solidarity against the inevitable aggression from the reigning house of Brevoy. As Lander had been plagued with rumors of revolutionary sentiments since his youth, many nobles in Brevoy consider this to be simply one more way the lord has embarrassed his house, but the details of his supposed treason are muddled and contradictory. House Orlovsky in particular is adamant that the accusations are foul play on the part of the Surtovas, and the strain between the two houses, already pushed to the breaking point, has boiled over past the point of reason.   Adding to these tensions, the end of the Mendevian Crusade left many soldiers idle. Some of the less reputable soldiers came to Brevoy, joining the great houses as mercenaries or studying under Aldori swordlords. These ex-crusaders tend to be a volatile lot, scarred by demon-haunted pasts and unfazed by casual violence, and contribute to a darkening national mood.   Finally, the recent unsealing of the walled city of Skywatch has unnerved many. Built around a mysterious ancient observatory, the city ended all communications with the outside world on the same day that the Rogarvias disappeared. Months ago, without fanfare, the city gates opened and the strange magic that had cloaked Skywatch against divination vanished, although no one knows how or why. Stranger still, though their well-maintained homes and clean-swept streets indicate that Skywatch’s inhabitants continued their everyday lives until quite recently, no living person remains within the walls. They were not alone there, however—curious footprints suggest that something left the city when its gates opened.


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