
The oppressive theocracy of Razmiran, ruled by the masked priests of a masked god, has long been viewed with wariness by its neighbors. A young nation, Razmiran was carved out of the neighboring River Kingdoms only a little over 50 years ago. Yet unlike most of the short-lived countries that rise and fall in that tumultuous region, Razmiran seems grimly stable—for it, unlike the kingdoms claimed by mere mortal lords, is ruled by a living god.   Few have seen the living god, but Razmir’s presence in his kingdom is inescapable. His masked priests maintain tight control over society, acting as enforcers more than spiritual guides. Their distinctive temples, which are always centered around a massive set of stone steps leading up to a gold or silver mask, stand in every village and market square. These steps represent the 31 steps Razmir is said to have undertaken to pass the Test of the Starstone and attain divinity, and they are a recurring motif in both theocratic rhetoric and the physical layout of Razmiran’s public spaces.   At present, Razmir’s people take some solace in the constant reminders that they are personally protected by a deity. Soon after Tar-Baphon’s resurgence and the destruction of Lastwall, Razmiran signaled that it would not oppose the Whispering Tyrant so long as the lich did not disturb the living god or his domain. This bargain appears to have been satisfactory to both parties, and thus Razmiran, alone among the nations bordering Lake Encarthan, appears poised to remain neutral in the coming conflict between Tar-Baphon and the other regional powers.   Yet there are hints that this peace has been purchased at a ghastlier price than the priests acknowledge. Rumors persist that Razmiran is “donating” its dead to the Whispering Tyrant’s armies in exchange for safety from the undead horde. These claims remain unconfirmed, in part because taboos concerning the uncleanliness of the dead are so strong in Razmiran that bodies are seldom viewed by family before being consigned to communal mausoleums, and in part because many of the dead are said to come from the massive prison mines of the Forgotten Track, where the condemned have disappeared quietly for years. Those who repeat these rumors often wonder, however, what might happen when Razmiran—never an overly populous country—runs out of corpses.   Perhaps even more troubling are the cautious whispers from those near the clergy that Razmir himself has begun to act erratically, becoming oddly withdrawn from his priests. With the Whispering Tyrant a terrifying new threat in the region, this lapse in Razmir’s attentions—and perhaps his protection—frightens his faithful. As of yet, however, this fear remains relatively unknown outside the most secretive circles in the capital city of Thronestep and the remote, sacred fortress of First Step.   So far, everyday life in Razmiran has not drastically changed. The poor remain grindingly downtrodden, taxed nearly to starvation, while Razmir’s clergy feast and indulge in every vice. In the wild Exalted Wood and the bustling crossroads town of Pilgrimage, outlaws and apostates dream of breaking the masked god’s rule. That realizing these dreams may prove far more dangerous thanks to Tar-Baphon’s rise does not dissuade them, for those crushed by tyranny are rarely able to see farther than the boot on their necks.


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