Allustan Character in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


Allustan grew up Diamond Lake with his brother, Lanod Neff. The sons of the town's powerful and efficient governor-mayor, they abused their influence and shamed the mine managers with social indiscretions. When finally they went too far, their mother sent them both to the Free City, urging Allustan to seek an education and placing Lanod in plum assignment with the city watch. Allustan soon found himself in the prestigious University of Magical Arts, where his apt scholarship bravado caught the attention of a powerful master wizard, a dynamic figure who traveled with some of the most renowned heroes of the day.   His mentor offered to take on Allustan as his apprentice, assuring him a life of thrills and discovery. What Allustan got was a window into a world of manipulative chess masters willing to backstab trusted friends to honor abstract principles of balance and neutrality. Though he thrived in the company of his mentor and his ilk, the politics proved too much to handle, and he split with the group more than a decade ago after a bitter ethical dispute. He retired to Diamond Lake only to find his inept brother in charge and facing challenges all sides, so he remains, knowing that his presence supports a corrupt leader but unwilling to leave his family to the wolves. The same political disinterest that got him into trouble with his mentor keeps him from seeing the worst of his brother's offenses.   Allustan offers his library and considerable intelligence to the citizens of Diamond lake as a sage, although miners have reason to seek his services. Allustan charges a standard rate of 20 gp per question. He does this more to sate his curiosity than for the money; gains from his adventuring days easily cover his modest lifestyle.   The old tombs in the hills fascinate Allustan, and were a primary factor in his decision to relocate to his childhood home. He hopes to make a long-term study of the cairns, and plans eventually to publish his findings in a small encyclopedia.   When the PCs first encounter Allustan, the wizard prefers to deal with them while walking around his grounds. A large tree stump in the front yard serves well as an impromptu table where Allustan frequently deals with patrons.
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