Amariss Character in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


Amariss leads the worshipers of Wee Jas in Diamond Lake. An enchanting beauty with a deep voice, she captivates those who meet her. Her followers spend the day patrolling the region for undead and taking care of the Diamond Lake Boneyard, tending the graves while clearing vines and mud from the stones.   Amariss is very comfortable with herself and her place. She relies on her second in command Athania to lead the acolytes in their work while she remains in the Cairn of the Green Lady and tends to the shrine. She has an intense stare which makes people uncomfortable if she holds their gaze for any length of time.   Not many people are aware of it, but Amariss was born in Diamond Lake. At a young age, her parents left the mining town and moved to the Free City. Growing up there, Amariss developed an interest in the graveyards outside the city walls, sensing a peace and comfort among the quiet mausoleums. She came to the attention of the local sect of Wee Jas and began studying with them, against her parents' wishes. She eventually became an acolyte and left her home for the convent.   When she took her vows, she was assigned to a traveling sisterhood who ranged the Near Domain. Arriving in Diamond Lake, she recognized her home from her youth. Across from Diamond Lake was a cairn said to be haunted by undead. She and her sisters cleared the Cairn and rededicated it to the Green Lady.   While she spends much of the sisters' income making the Cairn of the Green Lady livable and comfortable for her followers, she enjoys the finer things and spends much of her portion of income on fine perfumes, jewelry, and fancy clothing.
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