Are There Any Goblins in Here? Report

General Summary

Patchwall 13, 595 CY

Session: 2024-02-28 Badly injured by the various swarms in the bat roost cave, the younglings backed out of the Red Hand Lair altogether. Argan was going to set some traps for the goblins, but that would have signaled their presence in the caves. At that point, there was nothing to show they were even here. Needing some serious recovery, they trudged the eight miles to Diamond Lake. Malakai and Kaszu treated themselves to a stay at the Able Carter Coaching in, while Argan soon departed for the Bronzewood Lodge. Delilah, and Crichton made their way to their homes. Tolman decided he'd rather not stay in town and made his way back to the Abandoned Mine Office.    

Patchwall 14, 595 CY

The companions intown gathered together and made their way to the Bronzewood Lodge to pick up Argan, then the group headed to the mine office to pick up Tolman. After a few hours, they found themselves back in the Red Hand Goblin caves. Moving slowly and cautiously so as not to disturb more swarms of bats, they made their way past the bat roost and headed south.   Tolman scouted ahead and soon found a sleeping goblin guard. Backing off, he let Malakai and Delilah take the goblin out. Past the dead guard was a makeshift wooden bridge over the stream heading north. They heard the sounds of a large animal to the west, but it seemed to be muffled, and possibly behind a rock pile which blocked the cave further west.   Across the bridge, they found a large cave with many tracks, obviously a defensive area, or maybe a staging area for the goblins. Further in, a large cave with a central bonfire held many goblins. Two goblins seemed to be throwing bones, with a crowd around them. Taking advantage of the distracted goblins, the party attacked.   After a fierce battle, all of the goblins in the main cave lie dead. Malakai noticed another fungus cave to the southwest with a yellowish mold covering some of the fungi, but was convinced to wait until the defeated all of their enemies.   Scouting north, Tolman saw three large (dire) wolves, two to the west and one to the east. Goblins shared the cave to the west, and a few good strikes took out one of the goblins before he could act. However, that attack brought out the remaining goblin and the two dire wolves to the west. Holding the line, Crichton and Argan took the lead, only to have one of the dire wolves get a perfect bite on Argan's neck, dropping the goliath. Close to the same time, they companions could almost hear a tinkling sound. Strange.   Luckily Argan didn't lay unconscious for long and soon the wolves and their remaining goblin rider lay dead. Looking to the eastern cave, a curtain blocked a passage further east, and the remaining dire wolf was no where to be see.
It Started in Diamond Lake
Tolman K’hurzz
Malakai Steelbuckle
Delilah Raincloud
Crichton Eogen
Argan Agu-Ulakanu
Chaotic Good Goliath (Outlander)
Ranger 4
36 / 36 HP
Kaszu Billowcase
Chaotic Good Rock Gnome (Guild Artisan / Guild Merchant)
Artificer 3
24 / 24 HP
Report Date
03 Mar 2024


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