Blackwall Keep Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Blackwall Keep

Blackwall Keep is a strong four-storied tower keep protected by a stout wooden palisade and a wide, but shallow refuse-filled ditch. The keep is named for a pernicious local lichen that shrouds the tower’s granite walls, giving it a somewhat sinister appearance. Though a strong fortification, the keep has an air of neglect about it. With the departure of the last stonemason, minor maintenance is no longer carried out effectively and in several places the tower’s parapets have begun to crumble. Nonetheless, the defenses here are still sound and a determined, well-motivated force could easily hold this place against attack.  


During the springs of 583 and 584 CY, lizardfolk from the Mistmarsh became unusually active and attacked livestock and some outlying farms. This resulted in the construction of two new tower keeps to the north and south of the marsh: Blackwall Keep and Marsh Keep. The keeps have apparently worked, as very few lizardfolk have been seen outside the marsh since their construction. While not technically within the Cairn Hills, the garrisons within both keeps are part of the Cairn Hills Militia. Blackwall Keep, under the command of Ranald Haradrith, lies approximately two days east of Diamond Lake on the northern edge of the marsh


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