Castle Greyhawk Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Castle Greyhawk

The ruins of Castle Greyhawk are clearly visible in the distance from the parks north of the city, but there is no direct path to them from these woodlands. Those wishing to explore the ruins must exit the city through the Marsh Gate, located in the River Quarter. From there, a path leads west to the banks of the Selintan River and Zagig’s Bridge, a great expanse of stone that crosses over the water. Once across, a well-worn path leads north through farmlands and rolling hills. After four miles or so, all settlement stops as the hills become steep and rocky. After three more miles of winding, sometimes steep paths, the trail ends at the doorstep of Castle Greyhawk.   Rumors persist throughout the city that other, more secret, ways exist to reach the ruins. During Zagig’s reign a number of passages did exist, some of which connected to the sewers and underground redoubts of the city. All of these, except one, have since collapsed or are otherwise blocked off. That lone passageway might become available to the characters during the course of this adventure.


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