
The dragonborn walk proudly through a world that greets them with fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic gods, dragonborn were created by Bahamut, and later Tiamat, as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids. Some dragonborn are faithful servants to true dragons, others form the ranks of soldiers in great wars, and still others find themselves adrift, with no clear calling in life.    

Proud Dragon Kin

Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail. The first dragonborn had scales of vibrant hues matching the colors of their dragon kin, but generations of interbreeding have created a more uniform appearance. Their small, fine scales are usually brass or bronze in color, sometimes ranging to scarlet, rust, gold, or copper-green. They are tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6 1/2 feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet are strong, talon-like claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand.   The blood of a particular type of dragon runs very strong through some dragonborn clans. These dragonborn often boast scales that more closely match those of their dragon ancestor—bright red, green, blue, or white, lustrous black, or gleaming metallic gold, silver, brass, copper, or bronze.   No sizable population of Dragonborn have yet settled in the Flanaess. A curiosity, any Dragonborn encountered will often be confused with one of the lizardfolk. There are stories of a dragonborn land somewhere "across the sea", but the details change with each telling.    


It happened in Larkspur, a small coastal village on the shores of Whyestal Lake in northern Furyondy. While the entire County of Crystalreach was on a war footing, threatened by the forces of Iuz and the Horned Lands to the north, Larkspur seemed quiet and out of the way. War bypassed the sleepy village until that night. It wasn't even on the royal maps.   It was the dark night of Needfest 25th, when the moon Celene was hidden from view, that the watchmen heard the noise from the lake. A flotilla of ships, pulled by demonic wastriliths careened over the lake towards the helpless village illuminated by the fiery balor lord, one of the rulers of the abyss overhead. The village was doomed.   As the hue and cry went up and mothers and fathers grabbed their children to try and flee, Avernix, the old man of Larkspur ran towards the lake. As he approached the lake, he began to grow. Wings extended out of his back and his neck elongated into that of a dragon. With scales of pure gold, Avernix leapt into the sky and began to set the armada on fire.   The demons responded, and as their fleet caught fire, they assaulted the dragon. While powerful in his own right, Avernix was forced back to land and seemed to be overwhelmed by the demons. He cried out to his lord Bahamut, who heard his plea. His scales change from purest gold to a burnished platinum, and he grew taller, and prouder, as he transformed into an aspect of Bahamut. The platinum dragon kept the demonic forces at bay, and ordered the villagers into the small village hall. Awed by his majesty, the villagers stopped fleeing and ran into the hall.   At that point, bloodied and severely wounded, the aspect was able to dig his teeth into the balor lord's throat. With his teeth and claws, he severed the balor's head, destroying the creature. The demon's generals, the wastrilith then attacked the aspect, hoping to defeat the weakened dragon.   Bahamut's aspect then used his breath to push back this new assault. Knowing he was in no condition to take on the remaining forces, he jumped atop the village hall and wrapped his wings around it, sealing the building in a egg of solid god-forged platinum.   He appeared to the villagers in the hall, bleeding and in pain. He gestured for someone to bring him a decanter that rested on the council table and used it to catch the blood issuing from his wounds. He told the villagers that he alone wouldn't be able to hold off both the demons and the humanoids and that he needed their help. Those who drank from the decanter, which had turned to platinum, would be given the power to aid him in defending their village, but would be forever changed by the ordeal. He said that the egg protecting them would hold throughout the night, that he must rest, and those who wish to help must make their choices. The aspect of Bahamut then sank into a deep slumber.   One by one, the villagers drank from the Decanter of Bahamut's Blood. Each villager that did then also sank down into a deep sleep.   In the morning, the villagers that drank Bahamut's Blood arose in powerful draconic forms, covered in scales representing all of the varied types of dragons. Bahamut called them Dragonborn. When the new dragonborn felt comfortable in their new bodies, Bahamut opened the doors and charged into the evil army accompanied by his new warriors. While the aspect fought against the demons littered throughout the invaders, the dragonborn attacked and routed the orcs and hobgoblins led by the demons. Initially outnumbered, the appearance of the dragonborn frightened the humanoid armies and they began to rout.   When the last demon was destroyed and sent back to the abyss, the aspect disappeared, leaving the broken body of Avernix behind. By the end of the day, a force of the Furyondy army approached, sealing the fates of the invaders. Initially distrustful of the dragonborn, the villagers who had not partaken of the Decanter explained the miracle that had happened.   There were over a hundred villagers who had transformed, in many cases married couples drank from the decanter together. A few months later, another effect from Bahamut's Blood revealed itself. Those who drank from the decanter found themselves incredibly fertile. While later dragonborn often lay one egg, much as a human gives birth to one child, with a small possibility of twins or multiple births (eggs), these first dragonborn laid dozens of eggs in their first clutches, gradually diminishing over time. Those clutches also resulted in many different-scaled dragonborn, although the eldest of a clutch always took after its parents.   Larkspur now hosts one of the largest temples to Bahamut in the Flanaess. Under the church is said to be a vault which still holds the Decanter of Bahamut's Blood. Those champions who undergo a holy quest for the church may be given the reward of drinking from the Decanter.   After much debate and magical investigations, Furyondy has accepted the dragonborn as one of the "good" races. While not numerous, they have spread beyond Larkspur and are welcomed (warily) across the kingdom. There are even two dragonborn bodyguards of King Belvor IV. Like humans and other races, not all dragonborn are goodly and virtuous, but they are considered a minor part of the tapestry of Furyondy.   Dark rumors tell another story. In the remains of the Great Kingdom, Bahamut's rival Tiamat created her own Decanter and has begun spawning her own dragonborn. Those who taste of Tiamat's blood are filled with greed and dark ambition. A few have found their way into Overking Xanever's guard.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Approximate Age Categories

  • Adulthood: 20 years
  • Middle Age: 100 years
  • Old: 150 years
  • Venerable: 200 years
  • Maximum Age: Most dragonborn pass before their 250th year
Average Physique

Dragonborn Male

  • Random Height: 6'0" +2d4
  • Random Weight: 200 lb. + Height Roll × (2d10) lb.

Dragonborn Female

  • Random Height: 5'8" +2d4
  • Random Weight: 180 lb. + Height Roll × (2d10) lb.


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