Elven Pantheon

The elven race always looks to Corellon Larethian as their Creator. For a race which is often derided as over-gentle and almost effete, their establishment is always agreed to have originated in battle and strife. The archetypal tale told and re-told to young elves across the worlds and millennia is that of the great battle of Corellon and Gruumsh One-Eye, the dreadful First Power of the orcish gods. From dawn to dusk combat raged across the battlefield, as the sweep of Corellon's glittering sword countered the corrosive black clouds from Gruumsh's torch and the swift thrusts of his spear. As the day waned, Gruumsh began to strengthen with the oncoming darkness and it seemed as if Corellon would perish. Finally, as dusk fell, Corellon looked up to the moon, and tears fell from it to mingle with his blood as he struck a final mighty blow against the overconfident orc and slashed Gruumsh's face, destroying his left eye (the myths are often illogical here, for Gruumsh is usually referred to as "One-Eye" before this conflict; but myths are rarely consistent). Gruumsh screamed in agony, and was driven down by Corellon, to take refuge in darkness. The elven lord triumphed at the last. In some versions of the myth, Sehanine the Moon Goddess is held to be Corellon's consort, watching helplessly until dusk came and the moon began to rise, whereupon she could help him, distracting Gruumsh with illusions; more usually, Corellon triumphs alone.   Corellon is also held to have banished the dark elves (Drow) from the surface world, after the evil Lolth corrupted some of the elves. The existence of Drow is a source of shame to the surface elves, a counter to any excessive pride they may feel in their prowess and talents, and a moral tale for them (many elven myths stress the need to avoid overweening pride lest they be corrupted again). The corrupting evil without (Lolth) has no power without the seed of corruption within. Corellon's triumph over Lolth and the driving down of the Drow features as an epic massed battle in elven myth. As Corellon drove Lolth into the Underdark, the black clouds of obscurement generated by that hated spider-queen dissipated over the battlefield and allowed the light of the sun to bathe the hitherto darkened plains. The Drow fled in fear, to the dismal lands they now inhabit. Corellon is, to be sure, an artist and poet, a musician and bard, and a patron of magic; but he is ever the warrior. Elves do not forget this.   The other elven deities are always a tightly-knit grouping in elven myth. The precise details vary; for example, sometimes Sehanine is Corellon's consort, sometimes she is sister to Labelas Enoreth, god of time, and the daughter of Corellon. But the elven pantheon is always a harmonious one. All the gods and goddesses, referred to collectively as the Seldarine (a complex term meaning roughly, "the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood"), live together in Arvandor, the "High Forest" on one of the planes of Olympus. They are held to be inter-related, although the details of this vary (as noted for Sehanine). Usually, they are held to be the offspring of Corellon, or born from archetypal/elemental souls/spirits of forests and woodlands. Elven myth can be complex and subtle on this issue. In at least some versions, Hanali Celanil, goddess of love and beauty, is held to have become emergent from the spiritual love of the ancient elves for each other and their homelands. Thus, spiritual and transcendent love is held to be the ground of being for a deity of love which is physical and aesthetic as well as spiritual. Such sophisticated beliefs are typical of the elven race.   Elven deities are unusual in being able to manifest as beings of either sex, and having distinctly androgynous qualities. They are, however, almost always represented in art and myth as having a definitely preferred gender form; thus, Hanali and Sehanine almost always choose female form while Labelas is usually male. Corellon, while being male, is always represented as having a strikingly androgynous beauty (as befits a Creator, incorporating male and female principles).   While many themes are reflected in elven pantheons, those of magic and nature predominate. Elven unity with life and nature is stressed to the point where the very boundary between elves and their environment is blurred. Thus Rillifane Rallathil is at one and the same time a giant oak tree and a green-skinned elf clad in bark armor. Deep Sashelas, of the seas, has a sea-green skin; Aerdrie Faenya is usually depicted as being the same shade of blue as the skies she rules. Erevan Ilesere's many disguises include those of the trees and plants he so frequently hides amongst when he is up to some mischief or other.   Elven deities and theology always stress tolerance for other friendly and Good-aligned creatures, especially those who share the forests and woodlands of the elves, and the sylvan deities and their peoples. Again, this reflects the elves' love of their lands and also their chaotic good nature, respecting every creature's right to existence and the opportunity to live a good life.   The pantheon detailed here is extensive, but also relevant are Rillifane Rallathil the Leaflord (included among the Sylvan deities because he is revered by many sylvan races). Deep Sashelas (among the Gods of Sea and Sky) and, of course, the hated powers of the Drow, including Lolth (amongst the Gods of the Underdark).   In summary, the Seldarine concern themselves with nature, magic, dancing and play, love and beauty, time, celestial events, arts and crafts, comedy and delight, chaos and mischief. Few if any represent law, underground phenomena, strife and hatred, darkness, or the love of war.    

Elven Gods (see Profiles)

  • Lolth, goddess of the drow, strife, chaos, demons

Other Elven Gods (see below)

  • Aerdrie Faenya, goddess of air, weather
  • Deep Sashelas, god of the sea elves, oceans, creation, knowledge
  • Erevan Ilesere, god of mischief, change, rogues
  • Fenmarel Mestarine, god of outcasts, wild elves, isolation
  • Gadhelyn, CN Demipower of Independence, Outlawry, Feasting, and Hunting
  • Hanali Celanil, goddess of love, romance, beauty
  • Labelas Enoreth, god of time, longevity, history
  • Solonor Thelandira, god of archery, hunting
  • Ye’cind, The Bard, Demipower of Music and Magical Songs

Other Drow Gods

  • Keptolo, CE Demipower of Hedonism, Fertility, and Service
  • Kiaransalee, goddess of vengeance and the undead
  • Selvetarm, god of warriors, champion of Lolth
  • Vhaeraun, god of thieves, assassins, rebels
  • Zinzerena, CN Demipower of Assassination, Illusion, and Lies

Aerdrie Faenya

The Winged Mother, Lady of Air and Wind, Queen of the Avariel, She of the Azure Plumage, Bringer of Rain and Storms

Intermediate Elven Deity   Aerdrie Faenya (air-dree fain-yuh) is the elven expression of freedom and impulse, and she dislikes staying in any one place for too long. She delights in the sound of wind instruments and in creating unpredictable atmospheric conditions, including fairly severe or violent thunderstorms on occasion, but her primary joy is simply feeling the air rush past her with the ground far below. The Winged Mother is a somewhat distant deity who rarely involves herself in elven culture, and she is far more chaotic than the rest of the Seldarine.  


The ever-changing reaches of the sky are the great gift of the Winged Mother. Take flight into her windswept embrace, and gambol amidst the everchanging clouds. Honor those who dwell with the Lady of Air and Wind and cherish the birds who dance on her tresses. In change there is beauty and in chaos there is the birth of new life. Ascend, soar, glide, dive, and ascend again and relish in the freedom that the Winged Mother bequeaths. The air is the breath of life.  


Aerdrie's priesthood is primarily concerned with exploration and maintaining good relations with sentient avian races (for example, giant eagles and aarakocra). Aerdrie's priests work closely with elves involved in agriculture and horticulture to ensure favorable weather systems for their crops. Winged Brothers and Sisters are also charged with destroying evil avians, such as eblis and perytons, as the Lady of Air and Wind considers them perversions of nature.   Aerdrie's temples, known as aeries, are usually located on high hilltops or mountain slopes having a good view of the land around them and the open sky. While the Winged Mother's shrines are little more than alpine ledges, accessible only to those creatures capable of flight, Aerdrie's temples are delicate crystalline spires bedecked with glass chimes whose ringing tones peal across mountain valleys, borne by swirling winds. Small open-mouthed caves, connected by short tunnels that honeycomb the peaks on which the goddess's temples rest, allow access to Aerdrie's glass-enclosed chapels and permit the wind to whistle through the heart of the peak.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Favored Weapon: "Thunderbolt" (quarterstaff)    

Deep Sashelas

Lord of the Undersea, the Dolphin Prince, the Knowledgeable One, Sailor's Friend, the Creator

Intermediate Elven Deity   Deep Sashelas (DEEP SA-sheh-lahs) is the Lord of the Undersea and the patron of sea elves, whom he created long ago by modifying Corellon's land-bound creations. Sashelas is a powerfully creative deity who is forever changing the environments below the sea, creating islands and reefs by altering continental rifts, tinkering with undersea volcanoes, and the like. He is also said to create the deep undersea caverns that the sea elves can use for air-breathing when they wish. Sashelas is known as the Knowledgeable One, for he provides advice as to where food can be found or the enemies are hidden.  


Swim the great currents and the shallow seas. Exult in the everchanging beauty and life of the bounteous Undersea. Revel in the joy of creation and increase its myriad aspects. Seek not to hold that which is everchanging, but instead love the change itself. Seek out fellow swimmers who honor the ways of the Lord of the Undersea, and ally with them against those who see only the darkness of the deeps. Follow the way of the dolphin. Promote the use of the seas by all reasonable folk for all time to come; fight those who would hoard its riches or pollute its depths.  


The clergy of Deep Sashelas are more organized than most elven priesthoods because of their role as mediators and befrienders of nonaquatic races. Delphions interact regularly with dolphins who inhabit the region surrounding their home communities, and senior priests are almost always accompanied by their dolphin companions. Sashelan priests establish and maintain contacts with land-dwelling elves, if feasible.   As a result of their extensive networks of contacts, Sashelas's priests have prevented many sahuagin incursions from succeeding, gaining the latter's undying hatred. Delphions also conduct ritual shark hunts and attack sahuagin communities. Delphions expend a great deal of effort on the creation of beautiful works of art in homage to the Creator. Individual priests of Deep Sashelas create fabulous sculptures of living coral in and around their homes and in their communities. Others sculpt extraordinary jeweled and pearled living coral works of art or train fish to perform spectacular and delightful maneuvers and dances.   Temples of Deep Sashelas are found in most aquatic elven communities. The Dolphin Prince's temples usually serve as the spiritual, physical, and social centers of aquatic elven communities. Those found in shallower bodies of water are typically undersea coral temples, carefully grown and tended, while those found in the Great Seas are typically sprawling constructs of natural stone and sea materials resembling spiraling shells. Inside all such temples are a network of small and medium-sized caves and passages lit by continual light magics of varying shades and intensities. Some chambers are air-filled and are used to examine items plundered from the sunken ships of air-breathers, but most are filled with sea water and artwork crafted by sea elves. A wide variety of stone statues, mosaics made of shells, scrimshaw, air fountains, and a motley collection of artifacts from the Waterless Void above are scattered throughout Sashelas's temples for the use and enjoyment of the inhabitants of the surrounding community. Central chapels are usually grand vaults characterized by three-dimensional radial or spiral symmetries.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Favored Weapon: "Trifork Of the Deeps" (trident)    

Erevan Ilesere

The Trickster, the Chameleon, the Green Changeling, the Evershifting Shapechanger, the Fey Jester, the Jack of the Seelie Court

Intermediate Elven Deity   Erevan Illesere (AIR-eh-van ILL-eh-seer) is the elven god of mischief and change and the patron of elven and half-elven rogues. The Trickster's following is not as large as most of his fellow elven gods for Erevan is too unpredictable for most elves. Nevertheless, he commands his share of attention from the Fair Folk, particularly by those engaged in thievery or other forms of knavery, those who seek excitement so as to alleviate the boredom of near-immortality, as well as many young elves who seek a life of adventure and danger. Erevan is also revered by some members of the small sylvan races, such as pixies, sprites, and leprechauns, but most such fey beings revere the deities of the Seelie Court.  


Change and excitement are the spice of life. Live on the edge, unbound by the conventions of society in a spirit of constant self-reinvention. Puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and pretension that pervades orderly society with mischievous pranks that both amuse and enlighten. Inspire laughter and happiness, giddy silliness, and welcome release from care so that the routine of day-to-day existence does not become worn so deep that it grinds all the joy from life. Celebrate the spontaneous, and practice random acts of helpfulness.  


Priests of Erevan are wild, mischievous, independent, and utterly unpredictable, playing tricks on others for the sheer joy of it. They oppose settled interests of all sorts and delight in upsetting both the rule of law and powerful people and in generally creating mayhem. They have little in the way of formal duties, and minister to the faithful primarily through example and instruction in the skills required of mischievous rogues.   Erevan may never be worshiped in the same location twice, and few of his followers remain in at any location for any length of time. As such, only a handful of temples of the Trickster exist, and they are carefully hidden. For the most part, Erevan's houses of worship are little more than permanent shrines by the standards of other faiths and they are reserved for meetings and the like. The handful of priests who tend such shrines of necessity must go elsewhere to pray to their god.   Domains: Trickery   Favored Weapon: "Quickstrike" (short sword)    

Fenmarel Mestarine

The Lone Wolf

Lesser Elven Deity   Fenmarel Mestarine (FEHN-muh-rehl MESS-tuh-reen) is the eternal outsider, the solitary god who holds himself aloof from his fellows. He is venerated by outcasts from elven society, many of whom have withdrawn voluntarily in response to perceived slights, as well as by elves who have been isolated from the main body of their race and who live in wild, relatively uncivilized rural groups. Although he does not actively seek the worship of mortals, Fenmarel serves as the teacher and protector of those who turn to him, one who is silent and subtle, instructing his people in survival, spying, camouflage, deception, and secrecy.  


The world is a harsh and unforgiving place, with uncompromising demands on those who would forge their own path. Rely not on others for protection, for betrayal comes easily, but on you own skills and those taught to you by the Lone Wolf: the skills of camouflage, deception and secrecy. Follow the way of the Lone Wolf, for his is the path of self-sufficiency. Fear not hard work, for the fruits of your labor prove your worth to yourself.  


For the most part, members of Fenmarel's clergy are found only among hands of feral elves in the wilderness. Outcasts from elven society who make their way among other cultures are typically lay followers and not priests. Members of Fenmarel's clergy instruct their fellows in the skills first taught by the god, including how to spy, survive on their own, engage in deceptions and guerilla tactics, and use poisons to take down enemies with subtlety, but otherwise they have few formal responsibilities aside from ensuring their personal survival.   Domains: Nature   Favored Weapon: "Thornbite" (dagger)    


the Archer, Lord of the Wildwood, CN Demipower of Independence, Outlawry, Feasting, and Hunting

Elven Ascendant Demipower   Gadhelyn (Gad-THEL-en) the Archer is an old name in elven mythology. Once a part of the traditional Fey Mysteries, he is now largely forgotten by the elf-kindred, save among the grugach. To these "wild" elves of the Flanaess he remains a potent and heroic figure appearing as a sharp-featured elf with long, yellow hair and bright green eyes. He is attired in rough garb of hide and fur, the color of which varies according to the season. His symbol is a leaf-shaped arrowhead.   Gadhelyn is the ideal of the noble outlaw, with a court of unruly but loyal subjects. He recognizes no value in family lineage, but admires only individual skill and merit. He delights in discomfiting the high-born, but is known to show generosity to those in genuine need—if the mood strikes him. One or two Knights of Luna are thought to be sympathetic to the Lord of the Wildwood. but otherwise he finds little favor among the members of the Grand Court of Celene.  


Rejoice in the springtime, make merry in the Summer, feast in the autumn, and dream in winter's shadow. At the court of the Lord of the Wildwood, knights are knaves and the rude are royal. Let all who would enter the forest bring a gift to the Lord of the Wildwood; but beware, if it is not pleasing, he shall take what he will in its stead. When the first arrow strikes the heart, it is noble wound; when a second must be shot, it is fitting that the hunter should become the hunted.  


Gadhelyn has many druids in his service, though very few of them participate in the hierarchy of the Old Faith. His worshippers are most commonly grugach, but also include a number of wood elves, and even a few half-elves and humans revere him and participate in his festivals. His followers are the bane of wealthy travelers in the woodlands. but they are truly dangerous only if attacked, or if their forests are despoiled.   Domains: Nature, Trickery   Weapon: longbow    

Hanali Celanil

The Heart of Gold, Winsome Rose, Archer of Love, Kiss of Romance, Lady Goldheart

Intermediate Elven Deity   Hanali Celanil (HAN-uh-lee SELL-uh-nihl) is the elven goddess of love, romance, and beauty. Lady Goldheart is predominantly depicted as female, although on rare occasions it is said that she has taken male form. Hanali is revered especially by gold elves and moon elves. Her followers also include elven artisans (particularly sculptors), lovers, performers (particularly bards and dancers), and nobles. Lady Goldheart is also widely revered by half-elves born of joyous unions, in honor of the love that brought their parents together. Hanali is closely associated with Evergold, a sacred crystal fountain and pool found within her crystal palace in Arvandor. She keeps watch over her followers by using the placid waters of Evergold as an immense crystal ball, and philters of love created by elves are said to contain drafts of this fountain's waters.  


Life is worth living because of the beauty found in the world and the love that draws twin hearts together. Nurture what is beautiful in life, and let beauty's glow enliven and brighten the lives of those around you. The greatest joy is the rapture of newfound love and the tide of romance that sweeps over those wrapped in its embrace. Seek out and care for love wherever it takes root and bring it to its fullest bloom so that all may share in the joy and beauty it creates. Always give shelter and succor to young lovers, for their hearts are the truest guides to life's proper course.  


Hanali's priests are flighty and somewhat vain, given to dancing and wild celebrations. The hierarchy is loosely organized, and priests are free to join or leave the church as they wish. Paramours preside over marriage and rites of passage ceremonies for young elves, although they are not required to marry, for Hanali's concern is love, not necessarily marriage. Members of Hanali's clergy spend their days cultivating beauty and love in all their myriad forms. Many of Lady Goldheart's priests tend fine gardens, white others amass personal or temple-based collections of gems, crystal sculptures, and other fine works of art. While things of gold and crystal, particularly jewelry and statues, are favored, beautiful art in any form is admired, collected, and displayed. Hanali's priests must always be finely dressed, and displaying one's personal beauty to its best advantage is a requirement of every priest of the Heart of Gold.   Domains: Life, Peace   Favored Weapon: A shining heart (dagger)    

Labelas Enoreth

The Lifegiver, Lord of the Continuum, the One-Eyed God, the Philosopher, the Sage at Sunset

Elven Intermediate Power   Labelas Enoreth (LAH-bay-lahs EHN-or-eth) is the elven god of longevity and time. At the creation of the Fair Folk, Labelas blessed the elves with long lifespans and decreed that their appearances would not be marked by the passage of time. The Lifegiver cooperates with Sehanine in overseeing the lifespan of elves and their growth away from and beyond mortal realms.   He measures the lives of the Fair Folk and decrees when they should be ended, allowing passage to Arvandor. As Lord of the Continuum, Labelas governs the orderly passage of time and guards against those who would alter the path of history.   Labelas confers wisdom and teachings on young and old alike, and although he is rarely invoked, the Lifegiver is often praised. The Lifegiver knows the future and past of every elf, faerie, or sylvan creature. Labelas is worshiped by sages, historians, philosophers, librarians, and all those who measure the changes wrought by the passing of years.  


The march of time is inexorable, but the blessings of the Lifegiver enable the children of Corellon to live long and fruitful lives, unmarked by the passage of years. Record and preserve the lessons of history, and draw lessons from that which has unfolded. In the end, the sun always sets before the next day dawns anew. When you follow Labelas's teachings, time is on your side.  


Priests of Labelas are the keepers of elven history and lore, and they are charged with searching for hidden facts of the past. They compile and protect such sacred knowledge and record it for the instruction of future generations. Members of Labelas's clergy are also philosophers and teachers, responsible for educating the young and promoting and acquiring knowledge.   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge   Weapon: "The Timestaff" (quarterstaff)    

Solonor Thelandira

Keen-Eye, the Great Archer, the Forest Hunter

Intermediate Elven Deity   Solonor Thelandira is the elven god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places. The Great Archer's prowess with the bow is unmatched by any other power venerated in the Realms. Solonor is concerned with the integrity of nature and the balance between exploitation and agriculture on one hand and fallow, wild terrains on the other. Like Corellon Larethian and Fenmarel Mestarine, the Great Archer watches over the boundaries of elven lands. He instructs the Fair Folk in the art of hiding in and moving through natural foliage so as not to be detected as well as the art of archery and hunting. Solonor is primarily revered by elven and half-elven rangers, hunters, woodsmen, and fighters.   In particular, elven hunters appeal to him for better catches of game and elven warriors trapped in hostile territory call on him for aid. In recent centuries a few humans, primarily hunters, have joined his faith as well.  


Walk in harmony with nature and oppose the efforts of those who would disturb her delicate balance. Preserve the wild places from excessive encroachment, and work with those who would settle the land to preserve the beauty that first attracted them. Hunt only for sustenance, culling the old and the weak from the herd so that all species may prosper, Like an arrow in flight, it is difficult to arrest the consequences of an action. Choose your targets carefully, for an ill-considered action can have a long-reaching impact.  


Solonor's priests serve as scouts and archers in elven armies, as bowyers, fletchers, and archery instructors in elven settlements, and as hunters and providers for far-flung rural communities. Among those Fair Folk who largely eschew the trappings of civilization, members of Solonor's priesthood preside over initiation ceremonies into adulthood. Hawkeyes serve the Great Archer by working to maintain the balance of nature. Solonor's priests are deadly enemies of those who exploit or damage nature, and they often join forces with those who serve the Leaflord in order to exterminate followers of those evil gods whenever they make their presence known.   Domains: War   Favored Weapon: "Longshot" (longbow)    


The Bard, CG Demipower of Music and Magical Songs

Elven Demipower   Ye’Cind (yee-SIND) was once a skilled elven wizard and master bard. After a flawless performance on his Recorder in front of agents of the Seldarine, Corellon Larethian manifested to the musician and offered him the gift of divinity as a reward for his diligence. He accepted and was infused with a spark of Corellon’s power, which changed Ye’Cind so that he was like Corellon himself, with elements both male and female. Ye’Cind is shown as an attractive elf in blue and green, playing a recorder (his holy symbol). His allies include Olidammara, Lydia, and the good powers of the Seldarine, while he opposes powers of evil magic.  


Music is a mirror of the patterns and energy of the universe. The rush of a waterfall, wind through the frees, the crackle of a fire, and the thunder of an avalanche are all parts of the world’s music. it transcends languages and race, promoting understanding or inspiring the rage of vengeance. Enhanced by magic, a song can alter the world or change the course of history, and tying music and magic together creates something more powerful and fundamental than either alone.  


Ye’Cind’s clerics are scholars of music. They are versant in the use of many instruments and many dabble in other sorts of magic. They seek out songs, exotic noises of nature, magical lore, and master performers in the hopes of increasing their musical repertoire and understanding of the chords of magic that exist under the surface of everything in the world. Many are talented songwriters, weaving subtle magic into their works.   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge   Weapons: Longsword    

Gods of the Drow



The Eager Consort, CE Demipower of Hedonism, Fertility, and Service

Drow Demipower   Keptolo (kep-TOE-low) was the divine sponsor of the drow demipower, Zinzerena. The Eager Consort was a core member of the Dark Seldarine and the deity of many drow males, representing dignity, intelligence and attentiveness, as well as catering to the vanity of the females of drow society.   Keptolo represented the ideal drow male: quick-witted, attentive, and eagerly debauched. Keptolo normally appeared as an elegant, handsome young drow noble, dressed in fine silks of amber, red, jet, and purple, with a velvet cloak fit for a hunt. He carried a fine crossbow, a thin but sturdy poniard, and a filigreed longsword; he fought with a traditional two-weapon fighting style.  


Keptolo shows the way. Feed the vanity of your mistress, and all her treasures shall be yours. Be careful who you offend, and keep an expendable companion nearby to hold culpable for your crimes. Gossip can be as deadly as the venom on an assassin's blade. Use the poison of words to destroy your rivals, that you may claim for yourself all they once presumed was theirs.  


Many drow males worshiped the Eager Consort for his association with drinking and sex. Tales of his exploits in that latter area were quite popular, and performers were known to act them out during festivals or for private gatherings. The Eager Consort was also worshiped by many ambitious and subservient drow males who hoped to imitate him and his dedication to Lolth.   Keptolo's clerics sought to emulate their patron in all ways, and thus were among the most handsome and charming of drow males. They typically became advisors, philosophers, and politicians positions that required little actual work. They were capricious, untrustworthy, and very dangerous, as most of them were skilled dirksmen, poisoners, or spies. They were deferential to Lolth's priestesses and attentive to the matrons of great houses, but tended to be abusive and manipulative in other relationships (especially with lower-ranking clerics in their hierarchy).   The holy symbol of Keptolo was a stylized mushroom, which in drow culture was associated with both strong drink and fertility. Shrines to him were not uncommon in the Underdark, for many male drow worshiped him as their patron.   Domains: Life, Trickery   Favored Weapon: Hand Crossbow    


Lady of the Dead, the Revenancer, the Vengeful Banshee

Lesser Drow God   Kiaransalee (KEE-uh-RAN-sa-lee) is the drow deity of both vengeance and the undead. She is called upon by those seeking retribution, the dark arts, or to prolong life. Kiaransalee's ascension as a dark goddess of evil predates even the banishment of Araushnee from the Seldarine, but the Lady of the Dead has long been an unwilling vassal of the Queen of Spiders, capable of only small acts of rebellion.  


Death comes to all, and cruel vengeance will be exacted on those who waste their lives on the petty concerns of this existence. True power comes only from the unquestioning servitude of the once-dead, mastery over death, and the eventual earned stature of one of the ever-living in death. Hunt, slay, and animate those who scorn the Revenancer's power, and answer any slight a thousandfold so that all may know the coming power of Kiaransalee.  


Kiaransalee's priests are rare, secretive, and usually found in small drow communities or special enclaves. They are agents of vengeance, plotting revenge on those who have slain, harmed, or insulted the priesthood in any way. They also regularly go out on missions to kill others to acquire corpses for animation or to steal the corpses of the recently buried. They take a prominent role in persecuting slaves of the drow.   Domains: Arcana, Death   Favored Weapon: "Cold Heart" (dagger)    


Champion of Lolth, Thane of Lolth, the Spider That Waits, the Spider Demon, Prince of the Aranea, Lord of the Venomire

Drow Demipower   Selvetarm (sell-veh-tarm), cruel and malicious by nature, cares only for battle and destruction. The Champion of Lolth harbors a deep hatred for all living things, including his dominating mistress, and the only beauty he can appreciate is a well-honed and deadly fighting style. Selvetarm can exhibit a great deal of patience while waiting for prey to fall into an ambush he has set, but he prefers the wild abandon of battle frenzy to a careful and deliberate attack.  


War is the ultimate expression of individual power, and only through battle and death can one realize the respect of one's comrades. Hone fighting skills constantly and teach those who will follow into the fray. Never give or receive quarter, and die amidst the bloodlust of battle against overwhelming odds. Cultivate as many different weapon tricks and combat maneuvers as a spider has arms, and never fear that hidden venom, like a secret vengeance waiting to strike, will serve you ill.  

Clerics and Temples

Selvetarm's faithful spend most of their days guarding fortifications, honing their fighting skills, participating in patrols, guarding slave caravans, and getting into fights over status and petty slights. Many spend much of their time training other warriors in the art of war. While the Selvetargtlin are rightly known for their skill in battle, the teachings of the faith place little emphasis on tactics or strategy and thus few members of Selvetarm's clergy achieve a high military rank.   Domains: War   Favored Weapon: "Venommace" (heavy mace)    


The Masked Lord, the Masked God of Night, the Shadow

Lesser Drow Deity   Vhaeraun (Vay-RAWN) is the god of thievery and the furthering of drow aims, interests, and power in the Night Above, as the surface world is known to the faithful. He is also the god of drow males opposed to the matriarchy of Lolth, teaching that males are as skilled and valuable as females, and thus passively opposing the teachings of Lolth's priesthood on this point. He believes that drow should work with the other elven races for common advancement and never associate or trade with duergar, svirfneblin, or other dwarven and gnome races. (Humans and halflings can be tolerated.)   Vhaeraun is vain, proud, sometimes haughty, bears grudges of legendary length, and never forgets slights or deceptions. Any underhanded means and treachery is acceptable to him if it furthers his aims or is done in his service-but if others so treat him or his people, it is a deep sin that cannot go unpunished. He actively involves himself in drow affairs and moderately often sends an avatar to assist the work of his priests if the proper rituals are performed and the need is genuine.  


The shadows of the Masked Lord must cast off the tyranny of the Spider Queen and forcibly reclaim their birthright and rightful place in the Night Above. The existing drow matriarchies must be smashed, and the warring practices of twisted Lolth done away with so that the drow are welded into a united people, not a squabbling gaggle of rival Houses, clans, and aims. Vhaeraun will lead his followers into a society where the drow once again reign supreme over the other, lesser races, and there is equality between males and females.   Priests of Vhaeraun must encourage, lead, or aid bands of drow and allied chaotic evil creatures in thievery and instigate plots, intrigues, and events to continually increase drow influence and real power in the surface Realms. They must manipulate trade, creatures, and intrigues designed to lessen the power of and frustrate the plans of drow priests (particularly those who serve Lolth), and continually foment rebellion or disobedience among drow males. Drow thieves in need must be aided (even if female): healed, bailed out of jail, or forcibly rescued. Drow men oppressed or under attack by drow women must be physically aided in any circumstances. Cruelties against drow men must be avenged.  

Clerics and Temples

Vhaeraun's priesthood is nearly exclusively male and practices passive opposition to Lolth's priests. They are also active in the surface world, and some preach a heresy of the unity of elven races and their need to work together for dominion. They specialize in intrigue, trickery, and treachery and foment disobedience and rebellion among males. In drow communities, Vhaeraun's priests often disguise their allegiance, for obvious reasons.   Contact and marriage with other elven races is encouraged. Half-drow usually breed true back into the drow race; Vhaeraun sees this practice inexorably raising drow numbers in surface lands. Every priest works to establish some sort of permanent drow settlement on the surface world, and either support that settlement's needs personally, or (preferably) make it self-supporting. Poison use, manufacture, and experimentation is also common. Especially effective spells, poisons, and tactics devised by a priest are to be shared with the Masked Lord-and thence, all clergy.   Domains: Trickery   Favored Weapon: "Shadowflash" (short sword)    


The Hunted, Princess of the Outcasts, CN Demipower of Assassination, Illusion, and Lies

Drow Dempower   Zinzerena is a heroine who embodies a principle of powerful chaos, not least from the magical items she has acquired. Stories told of Zinzerena's mortal exploits saw many drow view her as a hero to the point that some revered her as a goddess in her own right, their belief eventually allowing her to ascend to godhood. The demipower Keptolo helped sponsor her apotheosis, after which she stole a fraction of her benefactor's power, earning his enmity. Before she could properly establish a worshiper base, a divine realm on the planes, and otherwise fully transcend her mortality however, Zinzerena found herself pursued by several members of the drow pantheon for her refusal to play by the rules.  


According to the teachings of Zinzerena, one was to raise themselves up by bringing others down. As patron of assassins and chaos, she taught the importance of stealth and misdirection, as well as doing whatever it took to get by. Her followers were not to reveal true feelings, nor their strength, until the one they planned to use them on was helpless, only striking when they had the advantage. Humiliation was also in her portfolio and cruelty was part of her creed, with her adherents encouraged to make time to gloat before the kill as "the legs of the spider are made to be broken".  


Zinzerena was completely adored by drow who sought to throw off the oppression of the matron mothers. Those who revered or simply respected her were almost always of modest or lower social status, her clerics and adherents ranging in profession from common rogues, laborers, guides, physicians, poets, courtesans, to almost any other occupation. Though much more common in decadent drow cities, they could be found almost anywhere, even in the most prestigious noble estates where high priestesses ruled, since even they drew their servants and staff from the commoner population.   Most clerics of Zinzerena were also trained as fighters or rogues, but Zinzerena also condoned the study of arcane magic. Not many female drow dedicated themselves to such a practice despite the undeniable boon it could provide for the ambitious, for in their society it was seen as a low-class vocation for males. Even rumors that a matron was practicing arcane magic could sabotage their societal standing if left unchallenged, so most females who pursued the path did so in secret. Zinzerena was a more palatable patron of magic for female drow than Malyk, and her followers encouraged the pursuit, offering tutelage and implements in exchange for a candidate's cooperation with the cult.   Domains: Trickery   Favored Weapon: Shortsword

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