Gnome Pantheon

The gnomish pantheon is a small one, dominated by Garl Glittergold. Garl is usually believed to have brought the gnomes to life when, exploring a system of pot-holes, sinkwells, and shallow caverns below a complex of limestone hills, he came across a sealed cavern which his magical battle axe Arumdina detected. The axe whispered its discovery to Garl, who stone shaped an entry into the interdicted cavern. Looking around, the god saw the ceiling and walls covered with the brilliance and sparkle of gems unlike anything he had ever seen before. He plucked the gems from the veins of ore which held them, and polished them with his bare hands as he breathed on them (the similarity of this part of the myth with that of the dwarves is obvious, and it is intriguing that both such earthy races equate souls with the element of air and the breath of a god). The gems unfolded in Garl's hands, and tiny forms inside were liberated, to fall gently to the ground and form the first gnomes of the world.   In some versions of the myth, a handful of the liberated forms become the svirfnebli, and a very few take flight on a sudden upcurrent of air and fly from the cave, to become the first ancestors of one or other of the minor sylvan races. Often, the first thing which Garl does under these extraordinary circumstances is to tell the first gnomes one of his stock of hilarious jokes. Regrettably, non-gnomes find that these jokes seem to lose a great deal in translation.   Garl has taught the gnomes that they are not a powerful, strong race (like the dwarves) nor a race strong in magic and close to the pulse of life itself (like the elves). Yet, this is no cause for despondency. The taciturn faces of so many dwarves do not suggest that their prowess makes them happy; and the timeless sadness of so many elves faced with a transient world is not something many gnomes would wish for themselves. Rather, Garl has taught his people to value the pleasure of a job well done—and given them skills in smithing and gemcutting which are bettered by no other race. Also, he has taught them the delight and inventiveness of humor, jests, and practical jokes. The basically benign nature of this frippery (as other races see it) is an integral part of the good alignment of the god and his people. To Garl, to trick an enemy - even a murderous and treacherous one - is superior to dominance through might and force of arms.   Many versions exist of the tale wherein Garl allows himself to be brought, apparently safely bound and subdued, to the dismal cavern of Kurtulmak, the kobold god, in the Nine Hells. After enduring highly tedious and repetitious threats and gloats from Kurtulmak, Garl began a bizarre and ludicrous tale which, despite himself, Kurtulmak found himself listening to (usually because the tale mocks Bahgtru, Gruumsh's son, with whom Kurtulmak had had a disagreement, or for some similar reason involving Kurtulmak's hostility to another goblinoid god).   Garl's description of Bahgtru's fury at being tricked, and his tantrums of rage, made Kurtulmak fall about laughing—and then he realized Garl was miming Bahgtru's actions. The gnome god had slipped his bonds (indeed, he had only feigned having been wholly bound in the first place). Kurtulmak's realization came too late; for Garl leapt into the air, retrieved Arumdina from a portable hole concealed about him, and sliced through the stone pillars supporting the cavern. Kurtulmak and his entourage were trapped in clouds of billowing stone dust and hemmed in by fallen blocks and boulders. Garl sauntered over, tweaked Kurtulmak's nose, and plane shifted away fast. Kobolds and gnomes have not exactly got on well ever since.   Gnomish deities very frequently have at least one companion with them on their travels—Garl Glittergold has his intelligent battle axe, Baervan the forest gnome has Chiktikka the raccoon, Segojan Earthcaller has an intelligent stone golem (although his avatar only creates nonintelligent ones), and other gnomish deities may travel together or in the company of a non-gnome deity of a related sphere. Mythic tales of heroes almost always involve the gnome hero being accompanied for all of a journey by one faithful companion, or receiving significant aid (often in the form of hints and riddles) from a number of well-disposed creatures during it. This reflects the value gnomes place on companionship and sharing with trusted fellow adventurers and travelers, and for those they share living space with (most notably halflings and dwarves).   All of the gnome deities are male, but unlike those of the dwarves there is no sense of machismo about them. They are clever, sensible, and helpful beings, quite unconcerned with their "image" (although several would be alarmed if thought to be boring!). The pantheon as a whole is concerned with the earth, gemcrafting and smithing, protection and guardianship, healing, nature and the world of plants and animals, and with trickery, jesting and fun. Very few ever concern themselves with violence and strife, divination and arcane knowledge, law or chaos.    

Gnomish Gods (see Profile)


Other Gnomish Gods (see below)

  • Baervan Wildwanderer, god of illusions, deception, traps
  • Baravar Cloakshadow, god of forests, travel, nature
  • Callarduran Smoothhands, god of the svirneblin, stone, mining, the Underdark
  • Flandal Steelskin, god of metalworking, strength and fitness
  • Gaerdal Ironhand, god of vigilance, combat, defense
  • Roykyn, NE Demipower of Cruelty
  • Segojan Earthcaller, god of the earth, nature, death
  • Urdlen, god of greed, bloodlust, hatred

Baervan Wildwanderer

The Masked Leaf; the Forest Gnome, Father of Fish and Fungus

Gnome Intermediate Deity   Baervan Wildwanderer (BAY-ur-van WILD-WAN-der-er) is the god of forest-dwelling gnomes and their communities, travel, and the outdoors. He loves oak trees and all forest animals and is guardian of the wild. Baervan gifted forest gnomes with the ability to communicate with forest animals, and taught them to how to hide in and move through wooded environments without being detected. The Masked Leaf is the patron god of forest gnomes, but he is well loved by all of the gnome subraces. He is even revered by the svirfneblin as the Father of Fish and Fungus. Baervan is worshiped by those who love the woodlands, as well as many wanderers, thieves, fighter/thieves, and fighters, particularly those who prefer living in the outdoors rather than in a city all the time.  


The great forests of the outdoors await those Forgotten Folk daring enough to venture forth from their burrows. Wander the great woodlands in search of excitement and sylvan sites of incredible beauty. Befriend and protect the creatures of the forest. Care for and nurture the woodlands where you live. Be ever curious, and follow life wherever it may lead. Defend your community and yourself against the incursions of goblinkin and other brutish races.  


Members of Baervan's priesthood are found mostly in aboveground gnome communities in the great forests of the world. Individual priests often wander far afield, typically accompanied by a raccoon (or giant raccoon) companion. All members of the Masked Leaf's clergy are concerned with the protection of nature (and the gnomes who dwell in harmony with it). They are actively involved in driving off evil creatures, particularly spriggans.   Domains: Nature   Favored Weapon: "Whisperleaf" (spear)    

Baravar Cloakshadow

The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise, Bane of Goblinkin

Gnome Lesser God   Baravar Cloakshadow (BARE-uh-vahr CLOKE-sha-doh) is a sly, sneaky protector of the Forgotten Folk. His defenses and protective strategies are rooted in deceit-illusions, traps, ambushes, and the like-and his jests and tricks may cause their victims some pain (emotional if not physical). In addition to teaching the arts of disguise, stealth, and spying to the gnomes, the Sly One creates traps and illusions of incredible depth and cunning, a skill he has passed on to gnomes throughout the Realms. As the patron of illusions, Baravar is the preeminent gnome god of magic. The Sly One oversees the magical arts of gnome magical craftsfolk as well. All those who survive by their wits venerate Baravar, particularly those who must often combat kobolds, goblins, and other humanoids. Most gnome wizards venerate the Sly One as well, though they do not necessarily participate in their god's ongoing war with the goblinkin powers.  


The world is a dangerous place, and the only sure defense is to cloak oneself in shadows under a web of deception. Strive to master the art of illusion and the game of deceit for therein lies security. Protect yourself and other gnomes. Do not completely trust anyone who has not proven himself or herself. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst in life and in others' behavior. If folk do you or yours ill, do not fear showing them the error of their ways through making them the butts of a few pointed jokes. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and in time of battle or war, use the craft of illusion and camouflage to make sure that the right side wins- yours. Do not flout laws openly, but do what is best for those in your care whether or not that course of action is the one approved of by those in authority. Finally, devote yourself to your art and those you love with equal fervor, for one must have a reason to live beyond mere survival.  


Baravar's priesthood is deeply involved in refining the art of illusions. A sizable number of the clergy are adventurers, charged with finding new spells and magical items that allow the creation and control of effects from the school of illusion/phantasm. Other priests work as researchers, ever-refining their magical craft. Priests of Baravar are generally sneaky, smart gnomes, and they serve their communities as spies and investigative agents and by teaching skill such as disguise, camouflage, hiding, and the like.   Domains: Arcana, Trickery   Favored Weapon: "Nightmare" (dagger)    

Callarduran Smoothhands

Deep Brother, Master of Stone, Lord of Deepearth, the Deep Gnome

Gnome Intermediate God   Callarduran Smoothhands (KAAHL-ur-duhr-an SMOOTHhands) is the gnome god of the earth's depths. He oversees the deepest mines and provides protection against the horrors of the Underdark. The Deep Brother is the patron deity of svirfneblin, also known as deep gnomes, who dwell in the lightless tunnels of Deepearth. Unlike the other demihuman powers whose worshipers reside largely in the Underdark, Callarduran is not an outcast; he voluntarily led the ancestors of the svirfneblin deep underground to encourage diversity among the Forgotten Folk. It was Callarduran who taught the deep gnomes how to summon and befriend earth elementals.  


Callarduran led his chosen people into the deepest depths of the earth so that they might discover the joyous beauty of rubies and other gems. Beware the dangers of Deepearth, and guard against evil races who employ any means necessary to seize what is not rightfully theirs, such as the drow. Protect and serve the interests of your community. Preserve and nurture the depths that give you and your people life, cradling you in their dark safety. Celebrate the intricacies of minerals, especially gems, and their many forms, uses, and subtle variations-including their latent magical potentials.  


Callarduran's priesthood is ever vigilant against the very real threat of drow incursions into the territories of the deep gnomes. Many lead small war bands against the drow in the hopes of exterminating them before they inevitably turn against nearby svirfneblin enclaves. The Deep Brother's priests are teachers of magic, particularly that of the schools of elemental earth and illusion, and work within their communities to spread such knowledge among all the deep gnomes.   Domains: Knowledge, Nature   Favored Weapon: "Spiderbane" (heavy pick)    

Flandal Steelskin

Master of Metal, Lord of Smiths, the Armorer, the Weaponsmith, the Great Steelsmith, the Pyromancer

Gnome Lesser Deity   Flandal Steelskin (FLAN-dahl STEEL-skin) is a master of mining and one of the finest and strongest smiths in creation. The Forgotten Folk hold that he helped create the craft of metalworking along with several of the dwarven powers. In particular, Flandal devised an alloy first employed by gnomes known as telstang, and he was the first to discover the properties of arandur, a legendary metal once known only to the Forgotten Folk. Flandal is physically the strongest of the gnome gods, and his prodigious nose gives him an uncanny ability to sniff out veins of metal that thread the earth. The Master of Metal is the patron of gnome miners, artisans, crafts' men, and all smiths, not just blacksmiths, but goldsmiths, silversmiths, and all other workers of metal. They venerate Flandal in the hope of gaining a fraction of his skill. A large number of gnome warriors venerate Flandal the Armorer as well, for his skills help ensure their continued survival.  


The treasures of life were buried within the earth's embrace at Segojan's hand, and only hard labor, dedication, and great craftsmanship, as taught by the Master of Metal, can reveal their hidden beauties and wonders. Dig mines, extract ores, and forge suits of armor, weapons, and other items of metal. Strive to refine known techniques of metalworking, invent new processes for tempering and refining it, and discover new alloys and test their potentials. Finally, stay physically fit to enable you to pursue the rigors of the forge and mine with your whole heart.  


Members of Flandal's priesthood are inveterate miners and smiths. They continuously hone their skills in underground environments, seeking an intuitive understanding of the earth and stone. Many serve as teachers, instructing other gnomes in the art of detecting veins of ore, unsafe environments, and the presence of hostile creatures. Priests of the Master of Metal oversee the safety of gnome miners and inspect the output of gnome smithies. Nearly all members of the clergy are considered master smiths when working with one or more types of metal, and they produce fantastic weapons and suits of armor whose quality rivals that of priests of Moradin. Flandal's priests are expected to undergo regular strength and stamina training, a practice that keeps them physically fit for mining, smithing, or battle, as needed.   Domains: Forge, Knowledge   Favored Weapon: "Rhondang" (warhammer)    

Gaerdal Ironhand

The Stern, Shield of the Golden Hills

Gnome Lesser Deity   Gaerdal Ironhand (GAIR-dahl EYE-urn-hand) is the stalwart defender of the Forgotten Folk, the most martial deity of the gnome pantheon. His serious nature garners him sober respect, instead of the gentle affection that is lavished on the other deities. The Shield of the Golden Hills guards against threats from above and below and teaches gnomes to hold their own in combat with larger and more powerful creatures by using their size and natural abilities to their advantage. Gaerdal has a small but devout following among gnome warriors and those responsible for defending gnome communities against outside threats, and he has earned the respect of the Forgotten Folk in general.  


The best defense is unswerving vigilance. Gaerdal charges his followers to serve him with absolute dedication and devotion. Defend and protect communities of the Forgotten Folk against all invaders, both obvious and hidden. Never cease to hone the skills of battle and war, and use times of peace to pass such talents on to gnomes at large so that they can eventually preserve peace for all the Forgotten Folk forever by presenting a defense that none dare challenge. Be fair to those in your charge, and ask of them nothing that you would not do yourself- including laying down your life for your friends, relatives, and brothers and sisters of battle. Follow orders given you to preserve the efficient function of the chain of command, but do not be blind to the consequences of your actions or the implications of a command. You have a right to question once any order that seems to run counter to the common good or the ideals of our society, for in doing so you may unmask a spy, a traitor, or an invader cloaked by magic.  


Gaerdal's priests are as close to being a warrior caste as one could find among gnomes. Their numbers are fairly small. They are much less given to levity than most gnomes and may often be administrators, judges, and the like. Their role as protectors is of major importance to both their religious teachings and the safety of the communities where they dwell. Although temples of the Shield of the Golden Hills are rare, Gaerdal's priests usually erect small statues of Gaerdal at major entrances to gnome settlements to remind other gnomes of their daily duties. The closest most members of Gaerdal's clergy get to actively seeking enjoyment is their perennial and self-assumed task of making life difficult for the followers of Baravar, and to a lesser extent, Baervan and Garl.   Domains: War   Favored Weapon: "Hammersong" (warhammer)    


the Merciless, NE Demipower of Cruelty

Gnome Ascendant Demipower   Roykyn (ROY-kihn) is a gnome goddess of cruelty, particularly cruel pranks. Sponsored to divinity by Erythnul (possibly as an attempt to broaden his appeal to more than just outright violence), she doesn't care who her targets are, as long as they suffer suitably. A former cleric of Urdlen, gnome god of bloodlust, evil, and uncontrolled impulses. she abandoned her faith and turned over an entire temple of her own clergy to a conclave of mind flayers as a cruel joke and insult to her former patron, whom she felt didn't reward her enough for her work. Roykyn is capricious and not above inflicting a cruel joke upon any being, evil or good. She is depicted as a black-haired gnome with a wicked gleam in her eye, but can appear in almost any humanoid form. Her favorite weapon is a spiked gauntlet with poisoned barbs. Her favored animal is a feral cat. and her holy symbol is a furled scroll dripping dark fluid.  


The greatest Joy is in causing pain and suffering to others, whether in the spirit, mind, or body. Let no day pass without giving someone the kindness of a small cruel joke. Be merciless if you find someone who can be humbled with the proper act, for what makes us equal is our capacity for humiliation. The ability to harm another with an unkind word or deed is the greatest power, for cruelty is a tyrant that is always attended with fear. It is fed, not weakened, by tears. and upon the tears of your victims you will grow strong.  


Roykyn's clerics scandalize public officials with slanderous letters, embarrassing rumors, and betrayals by lovers and allies. They love nothing more than to see the high brought low and the low forced to sleep in their own misery. They adventure to find new people to harm and for the opportunity to see a terrible fate befall someone undeserving, such as a pious paladin slain by a poisoned spike trap.   Domains: Trickery   Weapon: Spiked gauntlet    

Segojan Earthcaller

Earthfriend, the Rock Gnome, Lord of the Burrow, Digger of Dens, the Badger, the Wolverine

Gnome Intermediate Deity   Segojan Earthcaller (SEH-goe-jann URTH-cahl-ur) is the gnome god of earth and nature whose primary concern is creatures who dwell within the ground and burrow through the earth. He is a friend to all living animals that move above and below the earth and one who speaks to the very rock itself. Segojan gifted rock gnomes with the ability to communicate with burrowing animals and taught them how to befriend moles, badgers, and other subterranean creatures. Much like Urogalan of the halfling pantheon, the Lord of the Burrow has assumed oversight of funerary rituals and the dead, for the Forgotten Folk inter their fallen kinfolk in his domain. Segojan was one of the first gods to be worshiped by the gnomes of the Realms, second only to Garl Glittergold. Some scholars of other races have postulated that the Lord of the Burrow has declined in influence and power over the centuries. In truth the emergence of other powers - Baervan Wildwanderer, Baravar Cloakshadow, Callarduran Smoothhands, and Flandal Steelskin - who took over responsibility for aspects of gnome life that Segojan once oversaw is more an indicator of the maturation of gnome religious beliefs than a suggestion of weakness on the part of the Lord of the Burrow.  


The earth is the heart and soul of the Forgotten Folk. From its nurturing embrace spring forth the children of Garl on its surface and amidst its tunnels and caves they dwell in life, and beneath its silent shroud they rest in death. Many are the treasures, both living and mineral, that Segojan has hidden beneath the earth's surface; preserve and protect the natural world that lies beneath the roots of those who dwell on the surface.   Dig burrows, tunnel, and explore, for Segojan welcomes all gnomes into his domain. Beware the evil that ensnares those blinded by avarice and the destructive impulses from the Crawler Below. The Lord of Burrows shall protect those who dwell in his demesne and live in harmony with his teachings.  


Members of Segojan's clergy work closely with the priesthoods of other gnome gods. In conjunction with the clergy of Baervan Wildwanderer, they work to preserve and protect the natural world, particularly the diverse ecology found beneath the surface. In conjunction with the clergy of Flandal Steelskin, Segojan's faithful supervise mining operations and oversee the safety and protection of gnome miners. In conjunction with the followers of Callarduran Smoothhands, they work to forge ties between gnomes who dwell on or directly beneath the surface and the deep gnomes of the Underdark.   Segojan's priests go further than others in actively seeking to protect boundaries between the various races of the Underdark whose tunnel and cavern homes lie deeper underground than gnomes usually explore. Rock gnome priests, who form the core of Segojan's clergy, often serve as emissaries to deep kinfolk on behalf of surface communities of gnomes, and many seek to establish and maintain trading between the two subraces. In accordance with their god's supervision of the dead, the priests of the Lord of Burrows preside over most funerary rituals for the Forgotten Folk, interring the mortal forms of gnomes in his domain.   Domain: Grave, Nature   Favored Weapon: "Earthcaller" (crystalline rod (heavy mace))    


The Crawler Below, the Evil One

Gnome Intermediate Deity   Urdlen (URD-len), a neuter and sexless being, is the epitome of the evil impulse that rules some gnomes and is feared by the rest. A mindless force of malicious evil and destruction, Urdlen serves as a warning for every gnome to beware the taint of greed that lies within the gnomish delight in gems and jewelry. The Crawler Below crushes all life without regard. It wants to spoil or destroy everything. Urdlen is a half-mad, blindly destructive impulse; the blindness of its chosen avatar form is very tellingly symbolic. No one can predict where it will strike or what its plans are to further the cause of evil among the Forgotten Folk. The nature of its plans to bring evil into the hearts of gnomes is not understood even by the other gnome deities. It is said that Urdlen lusts for precious metals, jewels, and the blood of any human, humanoid, or demihuman.  


Succumb to bloodlust. Seize power-directly. Hate, covet, crush, despoil, and kill. Revel and exult in orgies of death and destruction. That which is living or created by life must be murdered or destroyed because that is the ultimate end of all and to deny it is to deny the truth of all existence. The strong survive and the weak are their cattle. Do what Urdlen wants first; second, do whatever you want. Give in to every evil impulse, for what use is there in covering over the truth of your nature? Propitiate the Crawler Below with sacrifice so that it does not come for you. Existence is a cosmic joke before death, the truth behind it all, comes at Urdlen's claws. Sharing the cruel ironies and harsh humor of existence with others is only kind, for it helps to toughen them for what is coming in the end.  


From their subterranean warrens, Urdlen's priests wage an unending war on communities of the Forgotten Folk, particularly the clergies of the other gnome gods. When not hunting other creatures, members of the priesthood work to steal, deface, or destroy objects of value, particularly gems and works of art. They share their lord's love for evil and deadly pranks directed against all creatures, including gnomes.   Domain: Death, War   Favored Weapon: Great claw (claw bracer)

Articles under Gnome Pantheon


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