Grossettgrottell Settlement in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


This large gnome mining complex has always been under the Free City’s rule, although it governs its own affairs, paying a small tithe to the Free City and exporting its products exclusively through it. In return, militia guard Stonebridge and patrol the surrounding territory.   This warren is actually a collection of small, underground villages, connected by mine tunnels, natural caverns, and overland trails.  

The Gnomes

These industrious demihumans labor in their mines, jealously guard their frontiers, and shrewdly trade with emissaries of Greyhawk and beyond. Gnomes encountered are not unfriendly unless the PCs' behavior gives them cause. Nor are they exceedingly kind or generous. If aid is granted, payment-within the aided ones' ability to pay-is expected. Likewise, aid granted will be rewarded.  

The Warren

All of the villages are safely underground. The five entrances are all small, natural cave mouths, and each is screened with brush. Finding them without an escort is difficult. The tunnels within the caves are large enough to accommodate a human; they average two to three feet in width and five to six feet in height. Each cave mouth is guarded by a gnome patrol.
Underground / Vault


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