Herbal Mixtures

The following is a list and short description of all commonly known herbal mixtures. There are other, rarer, recipes that characters may find during the course of their adventures.   Alertness Draught. This viscous, sweet drink is often consumed before standing watch to promote wakefulness and vigilance.   Aniseed. This vial contains hundreds of tiny granules soaked with intense-smelling distillations of herbs, including aniseed. The granules can be scattered across an area to foul tracking attempts that rely on scent.   Antidote Kit. This satchel holds dozens of bottles containing antidotes and curatives for poison. These are meant to be used individually or mixed in combinations.   Antiparalytic. A clear liquid that smells of mint. Drinking this vial gives you advantage on saving throws against paralysis effects.   Antipathogen. A chalky, foul-tasting tablet or dust that can be swallowed or can be mixed with food or drink. Consuming this substance gives you advantage on saving throws against diseases.   Antitoxin. A mixture of common antidotes and treated charcoal designed to counteract a wide variety of toxins. Consuming this substance gives you advantage on saving throws against poisons.   Beastbane. This paper package contains slow-burning herbs and other noxious substances designed to produce a haze of thin smoke. Adventurers in the wild may ring their camps with these small fires to prevent animal or insect attacks.   Burn Balm. This potion’s blue liquid glimmers when agitated. By drinking this potion or applying it directly to a burn, you regain up to 10 hit points, but only hit points lost to fire damage.   Candle, Focusing. A small, green candle, entirely mundane in appearance. By meditating in the presence of this candle for no less than 5 minutes, you thereafter gain a bonus to Intelligence ability checks so long as you remain within 10 feet of the burning candle.   Candle, Insectbane. This heavily scented candle smells pleasant to humans and humanoids but is repellent to insects. Non-monstrous insects will not approach within a 5-foot radius of a burning candle.   Candle, Restful. A small, gray candle, entirely mundane in appearance. This candle aids healing during a short rest.   Clearbreath Smoke. Inhaling the gray mist from this flask deadens the user’s sense of smell.   Clearsense Powder. A white powder meant to be inhaled, providing clarity and vibrancy to the user’s perceptions.   Fleetfoot. This thin blue liquid temporarily loosens the imbiber’s muscles and joints, allowing her to run faster and jump farther.   Hawk’s Ointment. This thick, acidic gel temporarily sharpens the user’s vision. Once its beneficial effects wear off, however, the gel burns and stings the eyes for a few minutes.   Healer’s Kit. This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints.   Herbal Poultice. This packet of medicinal herbs is applied directly to a wound.   Insect Repellant (Gourd or Incense). This herbal concoction comes in two forms, an odorless salve applied to the skin or a block of incense burned as a fumigant. Either type repels normal insects for its stated duration but has no effect on giant insects or swarms of insects.   Longbreath. For the 10 minutes following consumption of this liquid, the imbiber can hold her breath for twice as long as normal.   Meditative Draught. This oily liquid is consumed to aid with meditations. You gain advantage on concentration checks for 1 hour following the consumption of this liquid.   Nature’s Draught. Consuming this musky brew affects the imbiber’s sweat glands, causing the creature’s scent to be less offensive to animals, even calming to them.   Plague Mask. A plague mask gives you advantage to all saving throws to resist diseases that are airborne or that enter your body through the mouth, nose, or eyes.   Polar Skin. This dull white cream provides limited protection against cold-based damage.   Potion of Healing. This potion’s red liquid glimmers when agitated. By drinking this potion, you regain 2d4+2 hit points.   Rations, Journeybread. These rations rely on the nutritional value of rare herbs to provide exceptional levels of sustenance relative to their weight.   Regenerative Elixir. This red liquid glimmers when agitated. It is often confused for a potion of healing. It gives dying characters advantage on death saves.   Ryath Root Nodule. This chalky orange root is ground and mixed with other reagents to form small cake-like nodules. Ingesting a nodule gives you 2d4 temporary hit points, but consuming more than one in a day sickens you.   Tanglevine Bag. The herbalist's answer to the tanglefoot bag. This satchel is typically thrown as an improvised missile weapon, targeting a foe up to 20 feet away as an action. It contains a mass of vines that burst out if the ranged attack hits, entangling the foe.   Verminbane. This tightly sealed flask contains a pale green smoke. When released into the air, the smoke fills a 5-foot-square area. Insects find the smoke almost intolerable.   Verminous Antidote. A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poisons for 1 hour, so long as the source is a verminous beast (some kind of spider, snake, scorpion, or the like).


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