Humans Species in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


Four major ethnicities of humanity share the vast Flanaess with numerous nonhumans. Unmixed human ethnicities exist in several enclaves, but for the most part the Suel, Flan, Oeridians, and Baklunish have mixed. Most humans are a mix of the various ethnicities.   The Rhennee are a minor ethnicity said to have migrated to the Flanaess from another world, while the Olman and the Tuov come from the distant lands of the Amedio Jungle and Hepmonaland far to the south. All three minor ethnicities are beginning to blend into the fabric of the Flanaess.   Ethnicity is given little importance by intelligent folk, particularly in the central lands, though some royal courts promote particular ethnic types. Each ethnicity appears to have developed ages ago in isolation from all others, with its own pantheon of deities, language, and culture. In practical matters of exploration, trade, adventure, and war, color and ethnicity has little meaning.   What follows is a quick description of each human ethnicity, see the individual pages for more details.  


The Baklunish have skin of golden tones, and straight, fine-textured hair that is universally dark, ranging from dusky brown to bluish black. Their eyes are usually green or gray-green; hazel and gray eyes are rare. They tend to be long of limb and facial feature, with high cheekbones.    


Pure Flan have bronze skin, varying from a light copper hue to a dark, deep brown. Flan eyes are usually dark brown, black, brown, or amber. Hair is wavy or curly and typically black or brown (or any shade between). The Flan have broad, strong faces and sturdy builds.    


Oeridian skin tones range from tan to olive; brown and auburn hair are common, though some individuals have hair as light as honey or as dark as coal. Likewise, eye coloration is highly variable; brown and gray are seen most often. Oeridians tend to have square or oval faces and strong jaw lines.    


The Olman have skin of a rich red-brown or dark brown color. Their hair is always straight and black, and their eyes are dark, from medium brown to nearly black. Olman have high cheekbones and high-bridged noses, a trait less strong in those of common birth. Some nobles still flatten the foreheads of their young, for a high, sloping shape is considered beautiful.    


The complexion of Rhenn-folk ranges from olive to tan; their hair is usually curly and tends to be black or dark brown. Most have eyes of gray, blue, or hazel, but green is known in some families. The Rhennee are generally short but strong and wiry, with men averaging 5 ft. 6 in. and women less.    

Suel (Suloise)

The Suel have the lightest coloration of any known human race of the Flanaess. Their skin is fair, with an atypical proportion of albinos. Eye color is pale blue or violet, sometimes deep blue or gray. Suel hair is wiry, often curly or kinky, with fair colors such as yellow, light red, blond, and platinum blond. The Suel tend to be lean, with narrow facial features.    


The Tuov live in the Hepmonaland. These people have black to dark brown skin tones. The typical Tuov is solidly built, with high cheekbones, broad shoulders, and dark skin. Their dark hair (which frequently turns prematurely white) is often worn in long braids or other elaborate styles, and decorated with fine jewelry.
Related Ethnicities

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