
The Wormgod

Kyuss is an obscure deity associated with creating and mastering the undead. Classically, his appearance has been likened to a gaunt man with hands of bone and eye sockets filled with writhing worms, but many religious scholars believe that Kyuss has shed all remnants of his once mortal body, and is now composed entirely of a humanoid-shaped mass of writhing green worms.   Symbol: A human skull with green worms writhing from the eye sockets and jaw.   Portfolio: Creation and control of the undead, decay, unholy transformation of the flesh, worms.   Domains: Death   Favored Weapon: Club.   Clerical Training: New cultists must drink a potion of inflict light wounds that contains a preserved Kyuss worm in a deadly ritual known as First Ingestion.   Quests: Kyuss encourages his cultists to not only lure powerful individuals to his fold but to trick members of other cults and religions into furthering his unknowable goals.   Prayers: Servants of Kyuss offer their prayers on a personal level once a month in a rite involving the ingestion of living worms.   Temples: Huge subterranean cathedrals and tabernacles dedicated to Kyuss exist in remote locations far from civilized lands.   Few have not heard of the dreaded spawn of Kyuss - terrible zombies that spawn their kind through sickly green worms that corrupt the living. Few know that the creator of these foul creatures. Kyuss (kai-OOSS) himself, has an active cult in the Flanaess. Sponsored to godhood by Nerull, Kyuss was a Flan priest in the ancient Empire of Sulm, which now lies buried in the Bright Desert. Escaping from there shortly before its destruction. he fled to the Wormcrawl Fissure near the Rift Canyon and underwent apotheosis. He appears as a skeletally gaunt man with hands of bone and eye sockets filled with crawling worms
Divine Classification


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