Notes on the Find Steed Spell

Find Steed (2nd level spell, 5th-level paladin)

Spell Lists Mounts up to CR 1/2, no fliers
  • Listed in Spell: Warhorse, Pony (for small riders), Camel, Elf, Mastiff (for small riders)
  • Others that Meet Criteria: Axebeak, Bull, Giant Goat, Black Bear, Giant Lizard
  • Expanded to CR 1: Dire Wolf, Brown Bear, Giant Hyena, Lion

Find Greater Steed (4th level spell, 13th-level paladin)

Spell Lists Mounts up to CR 2
  • Listed in Spell: Griffon, Pegasus, Peryton, Rhinoceros, Sabre-Tooth Tiger
  • Others that Meet Criteria: Guard Drake (any), Giant Boar, Giant Elk, Giant Eagle, Hippogriff, Polar Bear, Giant Owl
  • Expanded to CR 4: Giant Dragonfly, Elephant
  Remember, each spell calls a celestial, fey, or fiendish spirit that takes the form of the steed. You call the same spirit each time until you release the spirit from your service (it will never answer your call again). This means it could look like ANYTHING. Find a great pic on the internet for each spell (remember the 2nd-level means no fliers). I'll probably use one of the statblocks above and modify it based on the pics.   Note: If the spirit discorporates for any reason (excess damage, you dismiss it for a time), anything in the saddlebags falls to the ground. You can buy your own saddlebags instead if having them appear on the spirit-creature and just lug them around til you call it again, but it doesn't work like a free bag of holding.


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