Olman Pantheon

Because little is known of the Olman or Tuov cultures and worship, the information here is not as detailed as with the common cultures of the Flanaess. This may not even be the entire pantheon. Dogma and other details may be interpreted from the given information, but only the Olman know their secrets.   The Olman are not native to Oerth, having been worshipped first by beings on another prime material plane. At some point around 3,000 years ago, these gods discovered Oerth and the Olman people, and revealed themselves as supernatural beings to the primitive Olman. The influence of these gods and their interest in the Olman waxes and wanes over time. The leader of the pantheon on Oerth changes with the beliefs of its worshippers, having been Quetzalcoatl, Camazotz, and Tezcatlipoca at different times. These gods were lax in attending the Olman in the past thousand years, but recently are showing a great interest in their Oerthly worshipers.   Note that these gods are very alien and don't always act in accordance with their alignment. However, they do have strict requirements their priests, and infractions are punished severely. The following are the Olman gods most commonly worshipped in Hepmonaland.  

Olman Known Gods

  • Camazotz, CE lesser god of bats
  • Huhueteotl, CE intermediate god of Fire and the Motion of Time
  • Mictlantecuhtli, LE greater god of death
  • Quetzalcoatl, LN greater god of the air, birds, and snakes
  • Tezcatlipoca, CE greater god of the sun, moon, night, scheming and betrayals
  • Tlaloc, LE intermediate god of rain

Olman Obscure Gods

  • Chitza-Atlan, LE Demipower of Centaurs, Guarding the Underworld, and the Dead.
  • Coatlicue (Cihuacoatl), N Goddess of Birth, Death, and Earth.
  • Hurakon, CN Demipower of Floods and Unrestrained Fury.
  • Tlazoteotl, N Goddess of Earth Mother, Agriculture, and Nature.
  • Tonatiuh, NE God of Sun and Misfortune.


CE lesser god of bats

Lesser Olman God   Camazotz (or "Zoa') is the Olman god of bats and horrible things that fly at night. He is always shown as a huge bat surrounded by a cloud of normal bats. Like many Olman gods, he has a dual aspect - the ravenous monster that spreads plague and sickness as well as the benign fliers that eat crop-destroying insects It is possible that Camazotz gained popularity (or notoriety) due to the ancient bat-people who used to live in Hepmonaland.  


The priests of Camazotz delight in terrifying and intimidating others, although they also help relieve the people from blights of insects. They are not above kidnapping and sacrificing political enemies under the cover of darkness.   Domains: Nature, Twilight   Weapon: Dagger    


CE intermediate god of Fire and the Motion of Time

Intermediate Olman God   This fearsome-looking god embodies the flow of time and the evil and destructive aspects of fire. He is always shown as a fire-shrouded, armor-clad humanoid with a demonic reptilian head. He demands many sacrifices from his followers and does not hesitate to punish them with bolts of flame when he is displeased.  


The priests of the Olman fire-god are warlike, hot-tempered, and inclined to act rather than wait. They excel in rousing violent emotions in soldiers and usually receive positions of power in military for this reason.   Domains: Arcana, Death, Order   Weapon: Bow  


LE greater god of death

Greater Olman God   Mictlantecuhtli is the god of death and the power of unlife. Normally shown as a tall lich-like being, he is also depicted as a skeletal canine. His worshipers get his attention by sacrificing 50 of their own members during the dark of the moons: these sacrifices then serve the god as undead. Another warlike god, he encourages his followers to send their enemies to be his slaves in the afterlife. His permission is needed before a priest can use raise dead or resurrection.  


Grim and cold, the priests of the death god never show mercy to their captured foes, sacrificing them at the first opportunity. They oversee the internment of those who have died in battle and of natural causes.   Domains: Death, Grave, War   Weapon: Scythe    


LN greater god of the air, birds, and snakes

Greater Olman Deity   Quetzalcoatl is the enigmatic god who has spent the most time leading the gods. He most frequently manifests as a couatl, but can appear in any number of bizarre and monstrous forms. He is patron of the arts of and metallurgy and is the least warlike of the Olman powers.  


The priests of this god are leaders and administrators, promoting the god through political means. They expect their orders to be followed by non-priests and the younger priests of other gods. They also carve elaborate sculptures and fabricate metal items.   Domains: Forge, Order, Peace   Weapon: Mace    


CE greater god of the sun, moon, night, scheming and betrayals

Greater Olman God   Tezcatlipoca is another dual-aspect Olman god, ruling over the sun as well as its absence. He and Quetzalcoatl are rivals, and the servants of the jaguar-god never support those of the feathered serpent. He spreads disorder and war, and taught the Olman that wealth equals power.  


Like the priests of Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca's priests are politically active, although they tend to use underhanded methods if straightforward actions are ineffective, His priests sacrifice to him to bring gentle sunlight to crops and parching heat to the crops of enemies. Every year, they pamper a perfect young male from midsummer to midsummer before sacrificing his heart to their god. They also encourage war with other cities.   Domains: Arcana, Light, War   Weapon: Spear    


LE intermediate god of rain

Intermediate Olman Deity   Tlaloc looks like a black-clad reptilian humanoid with bulging eyes and huge tusks. He requires sacrifices of children every month to grant rain, and numerous annual sacrifices to encourage a prosperous season. If angered, he smites the crops with blight, cold fronts, or rot. He is a relatively peaceful deity, content to rule over his specific domain.  


In addition to the above sacrifices. Tlaloc's priests pray daily to their god in hopes of retaining his favor. They lord their power over the commonfolk and expect gratitude and obedience from any who make their living off the land.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Weapons: Javelin
Religious, Pantheon


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