
Psilofyr was a wholly unique entity not bound to a singular form, but rather existing in many places at once simultaneously. His consciousness resided within a singular and extensive fungal root system that extended into all planar realms. To make a physical appearance, Psilofyr could quickly assume a fungoid form and manifest before whatever creature or object he desired to interact with. The Spore Lord could not only possess bodies in different places at once, but each could appear wildly different. Known forms included but were not limited to; titanic toadstools with numerous pseudopods, morels with multiple eyes and mouths, rock-like truffles with toothy maws, giant red and white toadstools, and blue slime molds with a plethora of eyes and limbs.   These numerous iterations were over dozens of feet tall, long and/or wide, and were surrounded by a small field of fungus wherever they appeared. His most well known form among the myconids was that of a 6 feet tall, levitating myconid with an extensive network of mycelia drifting behind him. Blue-gray in this form, he was capable of changing color in order to match his environment or his mood. He was often depicted as a kind of fungal world tree with his innumerable mycelia reaching throughout the planes.   The greatest desire of Psilofyr was clear to all who knew him: ensuring the continued longevity, prosperity, and spread of the myconid race. He was not motivated in his propagation of the myconids and his adopted fungal creatures by a desire for personal glory, but rather for their own benefit.   The core philosophy of the Myconid Lord, was that by which the needs of the many outweighed those of the few. The death of individuals was rarely considered important for both myconids and non-fungus friends alike, as the virtues of self-sacrifice and community duty was highly prevalent both in himself and his people. In his mind, death was just a step in the formation of a new lifeform, and the dead did not die in vain as they continued to give back to the world at large.   Psilofyr was known to the myconids as a wise teacher god. He is contemplative and focused on pursuing perfection through patient meditation.   Although one might initially expect Psilofyr and Zuggtmoy to cooperate, they in fact represented two antithetical ideals. While the immortal Psilofyr viewed death as a tool to renew the earth, Zuggtmoy reveled in decay for it's own sake, making her and her cultists enemies to the myconids. Zuggtmoy was not above using her wicked spores to corrupt Psilofyr's children, twisting them into abyssal monstrosities bound to her dark will.   Some draw a comparison of the dragon Nidhogg chewing at Yggdrasil's roots and Zuggtmoy attempting to corrupt all Psilofyr touches.


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